All powerlessness comes from a 'state of wanting and feeling of inadequacy, of what one has, to be insufficient or lesser than 'ideal'.' All mental sufferings come from a desire. Be it a desire, for a particular event to take place or for a want to be fulfilled. That want can be anything, an object, money, peace and solitude or a person. Any person existing on planet earth, in the solar system of the milky way galaxy in the universe, is unhappy only because they have wants, they desire. They desire an experience, they desire something different. That is to say, they are not happy now. They may know what they want or they may not, that does not make any difference. But they all have one thing in particular, the one thing that is so common about them all, about us all that it has simply become a universal truth, that they / we all fail to realise nay, even acknowledge the fact that the sense of insufficiency, the dissatisfaction itself is the cause of each one's unhappiness.
Throughout the history of mankind, each person willingly pursued their desires, chased them, fought for them, ran behind them and hence, kept themselves busy so, they didn't even get a chance to wait and ponder before it was all over. This life, their brief sojourn upon earth was all but gone. Maybe they did everything meaningful and purposeful with their lives, made a mark, left a legacy and died a peaceful death. But they could not help, but be subject to this desire mechanism, that is running the lives of all men and all women in the history of human civilization, and that is what solely runs the human species, in my opinion. That's what made our civilization progress, prosper and advance in sciences, arts or in any of the human endeavours such as, hi-fi technology and extreme engineering. One generation discovers and unearths new knowledge, methods and ideas, to be used and build up upon, by the subsequent generations. This leads to an exponential rise in knowledge and the rate of progress. Humans never stop at anything, as it is inbuilt in us to desire, to overcome, to know, to improve and to aspire for better.
It all gives us, both pain and progress. But can we bypass this 'desiring mechanism,' which is so ingrained in us, and is at the core of our existence, the very flesh and bones? A human's life and memory is such that the memory of every moment, every hour and every day becomes too much to keep and is lost, hence repeating history, by repeating mistakes. That should be and is perhaps, the greatest reason to study history, so as not to forget the repeated miseries of the past, and the pain and suffering borne, as a result. Your days become burdensome because you fail to infuse within yourself fresh enthusiasm, be it through the use of an external device such as, an inspirational book, an adventure or any other form of recreation, provided that it works. Hence, it becomes very clear that the goal of every individual is to advance, to evolve and not stagnate and nullify progress. You will be happy only to the extent that you risk and learn something new each day, by getting out of your comfort zone, in situations and at times, when you deem wise. You may not be able to help but be stuck in the rut, in many aspects of your life. Yet there are some new things you can try, learn or do every day. Above all, keep in mind that you are hindering progress, if you are not doing so, even if it be at the expense of momentary personal pain. You can use this moment, your time is now.