Thursday, August 22, 2013

Desire, The Root Cause of Pain and Progress.

All powerlessness comes from a 'state of wanting and feeling of inadequacy, of what one has, to be insufficient or lesser than 'ideal'.' All mental sufferings come from a desire. Be it a desire, for a particular event to take place or for a want to be fulfilled. That want can be anything, an object, money, peace and solitude or a person. Any person existing on planet earth, in the solar system of the milky way galaxy in the universe, is unhappy only because they have wants, they desire. They desire an experience, they desire something different. That is to say, they are not happy now. They may know what they want or they may not, that does not make any difference. But they all have one thing in particular, the one thing that is so common about them all, about us all that it has simply become a universal truth, that they / we all fail to realise nay, even acknowledge the fact that the sense of insufficiency, the dissatisfaction itself is the cause of each one's unhappiness. 

Throughout the history of mankind, each person willingly pursued their desires, chased them, fought for them, ran behind them and hence, kept themselves busy so, they didn't even get a chance to wait and ponder before it was all over. This life, their brief sojourn upon earth was all but gone. Maybe they did everything meaningful and purposeful with their lives, made a mark, left a legacy and died a peaceful death. But they could not help, but be subject to this desire mechanism, that is running the lives of all men and all women in the history of human civilization, and that is what solely runs the human species, in my opinion. That's what made our civilization progress, prosper and advance in sciences, arts or in any of the human endeavours such as, hi-fi technology and extreme engineering. One generation discovers and unearths new knowledge, methods and ideas, to be used and build up upon, by the subsequent generations. This leads to an exponential rise in knowledge and the rate of progress. Humans never stop at anything, as it is inbuilt in us to desire, to overcome, to know, to improve and to aspire for better.

It all gives us, both pain and progress. But can we bypass this 'desiring mechanism,' which is so ingrained in us, and is at the core of our existence, the very flesh and bones? A human's life and memory is such that the memory of every moment, every hour and every day becomes too much to keep and is lost, hence repeating history, by repeating mistakes. That should be and is perhaps, the greatest reason to study history, so as not to forget the repeated miseries of the past, and the pain and suffering borne, as a result. Your days become burdensome because you fail to infuse within yourself fresh enthusiasm, be it through the use of an external device such as, an inspirational book, an adventure or any other form of recreation, provided that it works. Hence, it becomes very clear that the goal of every individual is to advance, to evolve and not stagnate and nullify progress. You will be happy only to the extent that you risk and learn something new each day, by getting out of your comfort zone, in situations and at times, when you deem wise. You may not be able to help but be stuck in the rut, in many aspects of your life. Yet there are some new things you can try, learn or do every day. Above all, keep in mind that you are hindering progress, if you are not doing so, even if it be at the expense of momentary personal pain. You can use this moment, your time is now.

A N U J  C H U G H      

Concerning Conflicting Ideas, Conflicts and Contradicting ideas of your mind and their Destructiveness.

'Why is your life so difficult?,' you may ask. Why were you overcome by folly and committed a grave error, made a wrong choice, failed to be on time at work, did that destructive act, caused by your impulsiveness at the moment? Why is life, a flux of endless change? Why do you have to always remain as a victim of life, in some way or the other, despite what you do and what changes you incorporate and implement in your life, in yourself? Life bothers us all, no doubt about that. And it does more than anything else, cause we have to go through it all. We have no other option. It's like, 'Do we have a choice?' No, sarcastically.

Some people have ended their lives by committing that one act of treason and butchery against themselves, i.e. suicide. Is suicide a solution? Obviously, no. It isn't? But they can't see the light of it, unfortunately, when they are overcome with deep despair, sadness, hopelessness, helplessness; at that damned moment, when making that damned move. For some insensitive people, other people who don't matter in their 'Great scheme of life,' are a 'help' in getting rid of the surplus population, as if they were paying the health bills and the medical bills of the deceased. In the modern world, in the modern age; people are insensitive, and people will be insensitive hence, expect them to be so, beforehand.

The life you have is your responsibility. People have descended the levels of selfishness and arrogance, but you must make sure that your life does not suffers the evils of other 'invisible men and women,' whom you cannot point at, directly and their names, you do not even know. All the nasty people in the world are a cause for stress, conflicting ideas and hypocrisy in your mind. The question which then remains, is only this - Will you imbibe the wrong, immoral ideas of our political brethren, and make them your role-models, in an act of involuntary submission to the status quo, by becoming 'helpless,' or will you be intelligent enough to fight the evil by living your life and moulding your character, your own way?

We unconsciously tend to imitate the behaviours of our superiors, seniors, our bosses in the workplace, starlets, 'heroes,' celebrities and people who have achieved a considerable fame. We simply adore them, consciously or unconsciously. We are bombarded by the media about the lifestyles of those we adore and the cars they drive. We see them everywhere, on the big screens, on the big banners and featuring in the endless stream of new movies produced every year. We are hypnotized and mesmerized, without our knowing. We have lost our individuality and we no longer know what we want to be, what is wrong, what is right, other than that which is portrayed on the television screen, right in front of our very own eyes.

We want to be the exploiters rather than the exploited cause we have become very sure that it is the only way the society works and 'the only way,' society could ever work. Though we complain about people who harass, rule and exploit as 'unjust and evil,' we secretly would want to be like them, if given a chance or when the right opportunity appears. This is how corruption works, this is how the whole system tends to get obsolete, become degraded and most importantly, this is how faith, the only real virtue, is destroyed. And we all know what happens when faith is destroyed, and the general consensus of the people is mistrust, anger and hatred.

It is all human nature. When we compete, we compete only to win. For a dog-eat-dog world to arise, there has to be a significant number of dogs already, in the system, to begin with. These dogs are our leaders, these 'dogs' become our leaders through our very own 'mass consent.' We all are consenting to it, we all are fine with it, we all are 'okay' with having all the wrong, criminal people in our midst, in our administration. We consent through our silence, because we don't have time for 'all this.' We have other important matters that require our immediate attention, we have to feed and fend for our own families rather than caring about the neighbours getting raped or killed!!

A N U J  C H U G H

The Closest You Can Ever Come To The Ultimate Understanding Of Our Universe / The Universe.

The beginning of the universe is shrouded in mystery and as such, it cannot be conceived by limited conceptual thinking of human minds. If you consider, that the Creation began at some point then, automatically the picture of the time frame of such event comes into play. Humans were not even around to observe, as it were far beyond the event horizon. 

However, if you can date the origin of the universe, then what, if at all, predates such origins? The answers containing the secrets of life, universe and everything are only to be found in the concept of zero and infinity. We are finite beings, with our finite minds, having a finite existence. Our lifespans are limited and so, is the scope for unravelling the mysteries of existence, for an individual, in his / her limited lifetime. 

The only hope for one is to subscribe to the hindu philosophy of perfecting oneself so as to evolve and grow spiritually, so as to further liberate oneself from the bondage this world, inevitably creates or results in. Whether we face it or not, whether we accept it or not; we all live in our limited prisons, our very own self-limiting prisons of our minds, egos and our lives. No matter what good we gain, what good we experience; we, as humans, are never truly satisfied and are given to such endless cravings, until we reach our graves.

We want growth and progress in our personal lives, both for ourselves and our loved ones. We want to experience happiness and we hope continually for success, joys and fruits of material pursuits, which engages us and keeps us busy before we realize that we are running out of time and that, the death is near. 

Throughout our lives, our main quest is for happiness / bliss, that is, ananda. We also are self-aware, aware of our existence, infact we have to be, as without it, there will be no conscious human experience of life, and life would be like that of plants or animals, with only their most basic instincts, so it is chitta or self-awareness. 

Every human being knows deep in their heart that truth is the prime force, which is the most powerful and to which all humans, good or otherwise, are and have to be subject to, in due course of time. Even the most evil person in the world knows that someday he/she will have to answer to the higher authority of 'Truth,' though they can easily fool the masses, or have already deceived them by controlling the media, rewriting the documents after having destroyed the originals and hence, not letting the truth slip away, at all costs.

Hence, 'the truth,' or Sat. God allows so much suffering in the world because God simply, does not care. Our lives and conditions of it, in this material world are entirely our own responsibility and our own business, which we have to mind, settle, learn from, experience, adjust or die, accordingly, ourselves. God has got nothing to do with it. In many ways, 'God' is a religious fallacy, an invention, a belief system.

You can, one can, easily say that 'there's no God,' but the true anatomy of God is your own miraculous 'anatomy,' and the mechanisms of God, the way how God operates, is your own true mechanism. It is your own 'will,' if you choose to ignore it, or use it freely. In a way, each one is a victim, to each's own stupidity, just as Einstein was also sure about.

If you are careless and drive recklessly, you will meet with an accident; there's nothing that 'God' gotta do, or can do, anything about. You work your own miracles, during times of need, through the talents and powers of your own instrument cluster, i.e. mind, body and soul, which are godly, if not 'God-given.' 'Do what thou will, shall be the whole of the law.' Just like the way Thelema states, but choose accordingly, with regards to all possible consequences of your actions, which you will have to inevitably face, at some point in the future, if not 'now' or 'sooner.' 

A N U J  C H U G H   

Monday, June 24, 2013

It's OK for God to only exist in your mind, if it serves you !!

In the book '50 Big Ideas You Really Need to Know' By 'Ben Dupre,' I found another interesting perspective on life, God, free will, evil and human suffering. Here's the extract from the chapter titled 'Evil,' that I want my readers to read, ponder and know about :-

The presence of evil in the world offers the most serious challenge to the idea 
that there is an all-powerful, all-knowing and all-loving god. Historically, the most
influential argument used to counter this challenge - to show that there are sufficient 
reasons why a morally perfect god might yet choose to allow evil to exist - is the 
so-called 'free will defence'. Human free will, it is argued, is a divine gift of enormous 
value; our freedom to make genuine choices allows us to live lives of real moral 
worth and to enter into deep relationship of love and trust with God. However, 
God could not have made this gift to us without the risk of our abusing it - of our
misusing our freedom to make the wrong choices. It was a risk worth taking and a 
price worth paying, but God could not have eliminated the possibility of moral 
baseness without depriving us of a greater gift - the capacity for moral goodness.

The most obvious difficulty that confronts the free will defence is the existence in
the world of natural evil. Even if we accept that free will is a possession so precious
that it is worth the cost in so-called 'moral evil' - the bad and vicious things brought
about when people use their freedom to make wrong choices - what possible sense
can we make of naturally occuring evil? How would God have undermined or 
diminished our free will in any way if he had suddenly wiped out the HIV virus,
haemorrhoids, mosquitoes, flash floods and earthquakes?"

If logical reasoning is your only way that you employ, to survive / stay alive and function in this world, you would immediately reject the idea of 'God,' i.e., if you ever accepted it in the first place, wholly, partially or even slightly. (i.e., considered doing it some time in the future to maintain / restore your social status quo) That would be the next logical step for you to take, isn't it? 

But the belief in God, in the context of my blog, is irrespective of the debate whether God exists in reality or not. It is just that some people derive their inner strength from their belief in God and God virtually becomes a reality for them, for all practical purposes. Then you may begin to wonder, looking at their magical lives, that all of it is not just self-hypnosis, it is much more than that. 

It is a miracle, what beliefs can do to you and even, for you. It is pure psychology in action. Your mind and body is an integral whole. It is dynamic, always changing and never at rest or static. It will always undergo changes as per your ever-changing views, thoughts, habits and actions, newly acquired tastes / patterns of thoughts, lifestyle and behaviour, borrowed ideas, social conditioning, accepted notions and world-view.

The most important thing to note here is that, the condition of your mind will always have an effect on your body and the state of your physical health, i.e., your body, will always have an effect on your mental health, i.e., your mind. There's always a reality beyond your self-imposed mind-body prison that you can consider, which is waiting for you to discover.

A N U J  C H U G H    

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Few more views on money & spirit.

As you can see now, life is much about the ideas you entertain. It is not so much about what's out there but, what's in you. What's out there is constanly changing. It is like a page-turning story of a very big novel. What's in you is also constantly changing, except your core part. That centre within you, is unchanging. It likes stability, despite changes.

Your core, your centre, wants to keep good things about you, in your life permanently. It deems them essential, without which you may not survive. As in, you may have to encounter bad times. But, these things are a different matter. Surviving and enjoying success, is more a fucntion of your mental faculties than the physical ones.

There is no such thing as spirit and spirituality, subsequently. It's the seduction of the authors, to still keep one in a mental fairyland, even in one's adulthood. Easiest way to lose one's sanity, is to have no certainty in one's life. To try and not do. To fall and give / make excuses. To dream, and not make things happen. It's all, a lack of initiative and self-love. Laziness is another matter, altogether.

It is so because even when you are not lazy but only just a labourer, your life is meaningless. You may want to have better things in your life, but will you get around to achieve them ? Or, will you deceive yourself thinking that, your daily routine of hard labour will get them for you ? It is said that, if hardwork were such a wonderful thing then rich people would have kept it all, for themselves.

Love thyself enough to know this -
'Money is a wonderful thing, because it can improve the quality of your life.'
And then, take initiatives.

A N U J  C H U G H     

Thoughts to live by...

Every mistake is always rooted in thought. The reason that you end up in the same problems again  and again, is that you failed in progressive thinking, as a 'forward-looking individual,' that you could have been and were supposed to be.

You face difficulty in life to the extent where your thoughts lack direction and clarity. There is no substitute for application. Life is a learning experience. And there is no escape or respite from problems, other than their proper and correct solution. Whatever way you try to console yourself or gratify yourself otherwise, is futile escapism.

You are born and you are existing, your life is a problem and it is only yours. Others will be able to help you only if you are able to help and sustain yourself.

Every low-paying, low-end job, only works on exploitation and harassment. It cashes on the unfortunate circumstances and weaknesses of an individual, in a society.

Wealth is power. Wealth is money, property and possessions. An individual grows only to the extent of the growth in wealth, of the concerned individual. The concepts of avoiding material happiness to find God or to attain spiritual heights though valid, are confined to fulfillment of certain conditions. From the material viewpoint, they are anti-growth, life-negative and dangerous to one's well-being, if the individual is ignorant of such spiritual conditions or does not fulfill them and keeps on avoiding material work, pursuits and happiness.

Your life is a calamity. You will always tend to think about the future and the future will always seem dark. No thought will ever console you. You don't know and will never know how much work and how many steps it will take, for you to become happy and successful until you reach it. Philosophy is a futile pursuit and many have wasted their lives in it's pursuit. You just can't imagine that number.

You are your own heaven and your own hell. Other factors, other people and other parameters, affect your life. But the power you have, to decide for yourself how they will affect you, is immense. There is a very little conscious acceptance of this power, on your part. You have to groom yourself in strict conditions, i.e. 'self-grooming.'

Finding yourself in an unfamiliar place and dark prospects, is not a thing to be despised. It is an opportunity, not yet figured out. 

Every day, do something that was beyond your reach, the previous day. 

The more easy-going you are, the more easily your life becomes nasty. You are supposed to tackle and battle and fight, daily.

In your death-bed, you will realize that all your possessions, wealth, achievements and accomplishments are going to mean nothing. But being a loser, you will regret your self for kicking around while you were as good as dead, your entire lifetime.

You don't know what kind of hardships you will face but, you should be assured that you are going to face them; no matter what direction you choose, in your life.

Acquirement of wealth and all that your heart desires, is the most beautiful thing on earth.

Nevermind, that we are not able to take care of each other. We are not meant to. Only God thinks about each and everyone.

Brutality and injustice of human world is such that, an individual's life is worth only the amount of money he / she has.

A N U J  C H U G H

Saturday, May 25, 2013

How the world and its people brainwash you!

Life is just in theory, until you begin to live in pratice. That's the turning point at which you actually get a life. Until then, it's just like a promisory note. And, promises are broken more often than they are honoured. What your soul seeks, is your absolute commitment to life without which you will never succeed. And with which, you will never falter. You are an artist expressing his / her creativity, no matter what you do or what you aspire to do. Be it anything, you shall live!

If you are meeting the girl of your life, you're gonna talk. No matter what. Anytime anywhere. Live fearlessly. Take revenge. Never forgive. People are there for their self interests. Fight only for your happiness. No one is a saint or a perfect individual. No one is a selfless man / woman. No one has ever given up everything for the sake of others. No one. 

Life is changes. Life is a game played at you. Nothing hits harder than life. Only do what feels good. You were born alone. Doesn't matter, if you were a part of twins or triplets. And you will die alone. Doesn't matter, if your twin or parent or anyone happen to die in the same accident. Life is your call. You have to take your own call. You have to find your own calling. You have to be faithful to your own self, your own individuality, your own energy.

Work hard. Hard work and effort are the key to success. Be sincere, life is difficult. World may explode tomorrow. You've got to fulfill yourself before you die. You were born intelligent, education ruined you. They stole your natural confidence, your God and fed you shit of religion, and stupid jobs with low pay to spend your entire life. To give you no time to think, at all; to reflect upon what you're doing or have done. 

They destroy your creativity, they steal your creativity when you express it. They block your consciousness. They create all kinds of fear in your head. they like you when you are a loser. They like when you are broken. They like you when you are broke. They like you when you are powerless. They like you when you are down. They like you when you are lonely. They like you when you read scriptures, follow scriptures, bow to God and worship God in vain.

They want you dead. They like you when you are powerless because they don't want you to know how powerful, you really are. They have kept hidden, your power from you. The world runs on the monetary system. He who has the money, gets everything. Rest, live their life like dogs. Money is power. Money is your ruthless master, whether you accept it or not. They have kept hidden many things from you. You will be a slave to money, until you die. 

Practice your will. Practice. Fight for your life, until you die. Never be scared of anything. Nothing is too big enough to scare you, for you are sacred. Remember one thing in your life - all things will come to pass. But you will not pass, for you are immortal, cause' your soul is. They told us that humans invented the theory of 'After-life,' to reduce the fear and suffering associated with death. But it cannot be, because everything in life and nature, is a cycle and follows a regular pattern.

They bombard and bang your mind with mindless information. They make you drink, smoke, watch porn, masturbate and hope for a better life, but nothing really happens, ever. You don't live truly. It is worse than death. They make you harbor and nurture dreams and make you kill them yourself. And also, make you forget them as if nothing ever really matters. As if you are a fool. They make you lose your health, and cry like a baby.

A N U J  C H U G H 

Secrets to success are in reality, open and simple.

The secret is you. Not in the extraordinary powers of your mind and soul, but in your understanding and the way that you will carry out your complex affairs. The way by which you will avoid all the means and medias of deception and save yourself from being naive. In the end, life is not a fight; it is a quest to discover what's worth fighting for.

Another thing to watch out for, is that if you travel around the world or the cyberspace, or even in the world of books looking for answers, you will be either misled or be terribly disappointed. There are no answers. Life is a personal endeavour. No one should tell you how to love, you should experience it all by yourself. No one can teach you anything, it is your instinct to survive that makes you learn anything in the first place.

In the beauty caused by intermingling of reason, logic, intellect and clarity, lies the divine but it has to be backed by powerful feelings of trust, love and innocence. Every person needs a break. Every heart cries for mercy. Everyone, no matter how evil, is frightened by the dark prospect of death. No book can get you enlightened. It is a very sincere desire that must arise from within.

The desire for enlightenment should not be caused by the desire of supremacy, but by the eternal and ever present longing for freedom. A beautifully written prose on philosophy is the one written by a human mind that not only knows itself, but all of the collective conscious of humanity. It is akin to godliness and it's repeated and numerous readings always feel divine.

This was my attempt at creating such a master-piece, amongst many :-). There was a time when I was struggling in solitude, caused by deception and innocent trust. My heart, I know for sure was pure even at that time. When today I ask myself and look back to that memory, I understand that there was and is and ever will be, nothing greater than a human and that I am the lord of my own life, which I mould through my thinking and the actions I take.

If at all you are going to achieve anything, please keep in mind that you are only going to achieve it through yourself. This I call the law of your self, which states that any success is damn personal and powerful and cannot be caused by an individual who does not use his mind, is not hungry and does not believe in himself / herself.

It is very difficult to succeed if one does not know what one is doing, if one's thoughts are not clear, if one's mind is not focused and lastly, if one is not willing to set things in motion. Writing your diary or creating your own practical philosophy is a very efficient practice in clear thinking.

You need to first think that you are important and you deserve what you need before putting in all the efforts blindly like a donkey. Writing your diary leads to balancing of perspectives. Life should not be unfair to you and its your own duty and your own obligation to keep a check on the same.

Ultimately, its not even about the existence of God, it's the presence of justice that is woven in the very fabric of the cosmos. Life is simply one opportunity, to be courageous and embrace with all your heart all that, that you can do on your own. To be self-made, with all the potential that you have.

A N U J  C H U G H   

Sunday, May 19, 2013

On blind faith and blind spots of my life.

Your birth is like a mistake, you will spend your entire life correcting. - Chuck Palahniuk

The more negative it may sound, the more it may be a fact. Have a look at your past and you will find that you spend most if not all, of your life, struggling. Struggling, to make some dreams come true. Struggling to achieve, to attain, for perfection, to learn or to not repeat some mistake/s.

In our struggle, we all forget to live. We must learn to enjoy our struggles, to be happy. To be happy for what we are rather than what we can be. Meditation is important. I have a goal in mind whenever I meditate which is to reach a conclusion, on the nature of things. In a way, meditation is very personal. You learn a few things and you don't want to let it go.

Meditation is helpful only to the extent, that you want to help yourself. Even after adopting a philosophy, you would want to be successful and achieve your goals in life. It is no worry at all, if you keep a positive outlook on things and think positively. If you can adhere to it, then no amount of negativity around you and / or no amount of competition can change what you can get for yourself and all that you can gain for yourself.

In the end, I would rather do, than read and write before I do and a lot at that. I don't want to believe in the existence of 'God,' in good, in morals, in ethics, in law and in intellectual words. It has got me stuck, it is not taking me anywhere. On the contrary, it is hindering my progress.

Just living one's life is not enough. One needs a reason to live. You just can't hang around having fixed notions about everything, gained from religious texts or scriptures and other so-called authoritive sources. One needs to think for oneself.

What I want myself to understand is that, the above strong and negative opinions might be framed and fictitious but they could have been factual too, as I have every reason to believe that the same has happened separately, in other parts of the world in different cases. So much for the sorry state of the world.

A N U J  C H U G H

Know money for what it brings!

Whenever you lose money, you don't lose anything much. But when you lose yourself, you lose everything.

The Rich and the poor, both suffer from either having no money at all, or having too much of money.

Well, I am not saying that being a middleclass is the key. I just want to say that one can be rich but it can be a lot more better when, one first attempts to know his / her essence and then keeps it. The type of clothes that you wear, food that you eat and people you hang out with, defines who you are; pay attention to details.

You should set standards for yourself and others and guard them, ruthlessly. Whatever it takes. You should not allow yourself to fall back on any particular standard that you have set. Wealth is admired by everyone but only a few have the capacity to build it.

Money for the sake of money is foolishness, figured out using discretion by many but wealth and power for the sake of what it brings is not well figured out. Only a few are able to think in terms of what they really need and how much money they require to fulfill their needs. The next person sitting on his office chair, may be the victim of the former way of thinking. And he may not even know it.

This is the state of the world. One may never know how much the world has, as the rich and the elite may have kept it for themselves. But who is stopping you from making good financial decisions, in your personal life on a daily basis ?

A N U J  C H U G H


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Use Common-Sense in your Life, not fake theories and pseudo-science.

Never once in my life, did I and will I believe in the existence of parallel universes or even multiple universes for this is the life we have, and the world that we all live in. To know what's happening in the world and in the field of one's choosing, is enough givens to enable the process of success and it's failure is due to man's own shortcomings. No matter how wealthy one may be, one's success is at the best, very limited cause' of one's mortality.

Truly successful would be an immortal whose 'unlimited' resources would be truly unlimited, for he / she would have unlimited time at their disposal. Wealth, money and power too, it seems, are only restricted to the time one has to use it and / or enjoy it. Fabulous gains causing momentary highs are nothing but the estimation of joy, power and freedom, triggered by a brain that believes in all that it can do. Why not ?

Rich people have a reality quite different from the rest of us. But the true seeking would always have to be for something permanent, something final and something eternal. Something that puts an end to all kinds of pain, without any possibility of future recurrance. Humans experience time as past, present and future because they measure the passing of time by the events that occured and / or were experienced.

However, the only moment we ever live in, is the now. You go back to the cherished 'memories' of the future and see yourself acting, speaking, meeting, doing, etc. beforehand in the moment of now. Now is the only time you ever had and you will ever have. Hence, there's no good that can come from brooding over the past. Not only that it wastes time, but it also creates mental blockages and / or decreases the efficiency of your mind.

Anyways, coming back to this imperfect world, being sensitive I am not able to digest it's cruelities and the fact that powerful elites are making mockery of the lives of rest of humanity. But there's no way one can find the truth, there's a master-mind deception in the world. It's just - play according to the rules of the world / game in anything that you want to gain, or else no gain.

You have to set a schedule for an entire day, making sure that you end up spending your entire energy for the day. It would just be a matter of time that you will be ready. Ready, for whatever that you practice and / or for what you want to be ready for. Be wary of your mind, it constantly wanders - back to the past, back to the old habits, back to memories and back to the old ways of thinking, being and feeling. Then only, will you gain some success in your training, then only will you change and good fortune will result.

You will get what you want. You will be lucky. You will fulfill all your dreams and yearnings. Your expectations will be met and you will be full of energy. The only reason of life can also be, the preparation for death. A person should spend sufficient time, meditating on the inevitability of death. It's lastly, about facing life without any fear of authority, for there's no authority, only fear. Make way for yourself in this dark jungle of life.

Ask this question to your heart, everyday - Am I able to trust myself and my truest instincts as per conditions, as of now ?

A N U J  C H U G H

'Now' is the only opportunity that you ever have.

Your lif e is doomed to hell, if you do not learn. There are people who never learn but you can't pride yourself thinking about their existence. Your pain is your own. It is your own personal problem and personal property, if you will. It has been true that some spiritual books have ruined my life instead of improving it. Beware of such books that make death so cheap and / or give false hope of things which in reality are not so.

Life is difficult and that is what makes it so dear, so expensive and so worthwhile. There are many times when you cannot find your way to accomplish what you want to and almost always this will bring you thrills as you will apply new ways of thinking and acting cause' that will be your only choice. It's true, you never know how strong you are unless being strong becomes the only option that you have.

You will remain who you are until you dare, you have to venture out of your comfort zone, out of your patterns and habits that have come of age, a long-long time ago. Anyways, coming back to the lessons you have to learn in life, I would suggest that you learn it now cause' now is the only point of time that you have and if something is worth doing, it is worth doing it now. Rest is upto you, to decide whether taking steps to improve your life is worth doing or not.

Or as always, should you be waiting for the pain to reach a point that you can't take it anymore and allow it to drag you or you will not stop at pain, any amount of pain and continue to procrastinate till the point of extinction (there's only a one 'you') or will you go totally in the reverse / opposite direction and say to yourself that 'this is the way to live,' and ruin the lives of your family members ?

The life we have is the decisions we made. Whether, we take it easy and regret or hard and be happy, is our own decision. No one can force it out of him / her. Death is not cheap, it is damn expensive. Even worth more than all the money you have ever seen, for you only live once. It happens once to any individual and then it's all over. Hence, the only opportunity to improve your life is now, the only opportunity to learn.

Take a reference from what you have not done - form your failures and your procrastinations, and do exactly the opposite. Keep on doing it. There's no help in reading self-help books and you are going to gain nothing from it. They are full of blabber and false hope. Life is the only real teacher. The fight in the world is yours. Yours alone, for it's every man for himself. If you win, you are the only one who will gain and if you lose, it's only you to suffer that loss.

In the coming times, you will have to show strength you did not know existed within you. You don't know what is at stake until you come face to face with these challenging times ahead. Mind you, it's a dire warning. It's going to be a hell on earth. You will not want to survive as, dying would be easy. Dying would be heavenly; easier. This is just a hypothesis and not a prophecy. But it's occurance has a degree of certainty. It may occur, as the world is facing more and newer risks, with every passing day.

In even case, the times that you will be facing ahead, in your personal life will require phenomenal strength.   

A N U J  C H U G H   

The No-Nonsense Guide to Improve Your Life Right Now, Vol. 5

Wherever and wherever in your life you have felt good, it has been only because of your own efforts. Your happiness and your joy was yours and the secret is you. Nobody caused it and to deny that fact is to deny yourself and the power of your ego, which would further lead to degradation and decay as it has always been in the past. 

There are changes happening everyday but the world itself, is not changing. People will always remain the way they are and were. Even myself. It's a really terrible thing to digest that a 2-cent worth person can actually run my life. My God ! Whatever did happen to my brains, their muscles and power ? 

The solution is ego and it's potential to change my life, for the better. Ego is not all negative as such, it has been a very serious error of conditioning in my life to accept or think of it as such. The more powerful an ego, the more obstacles it can overcome, the more authoritive figure's opinion it can can label as 'shit,' the more fearless a person becomes and the more he can rebel without any harm to himself.

Send an innocent man (or a young adult) to work nowadays, and he's sure to get abused, bullied, played by, taken for a ride and knocked out. In a way one or two knocks and a blackened eyeball are essential but the 'fun' caused by this stalking world can cause serious injuries which may lead to death.

I just hope nobody dies this way. As for the essence of one or two hard knocks, it may teach the person everything he needs to know about the world, that life is not rosy and clean and fair outside. It is a very mean and nasty world. 90-95% people may be brutal and that includes everyone who you may think, are trustworthy. They will deceive you when you call for them or worse, at the last moment.

It's a dog-eat-dog world or better, it is the situation of being eaten or eating, hunting or hunted. These may be some strong opinions but they are essential skills to learn and understand and most importantly, to practice. It can heal your life, change your world, get you results and not get rolled over by again.

Whenever you get down at the market place, make sure that you know your art well - The Game flow and the techniques. Practice and hone up your skills everyday, after all you don't leave your house and go outside to have a ball. Innocent sweet 16 girls get gang raped, killed mercilessly and get dumped in a trash dumpyard, who have illusions of this sort.

Your father at the church tells you that God exists and Jesus is your only saviour. You may believe him but that won't save you from getting fired by that nasty boss. You see people staring at you in the streets, when you hear them scream in your mind that, 'your life is your bloody problem.' 

Anyways, a big and awesome life starts just with an idea or a chain of thoughts which you already have or may have, if you are being honest with yourself while, trying hard in getting a life that you know that you deserve and even if you happen to eat and fully digest many dogs on the way, it's perfectly fine. Dog hate dogs.

A N U J  C H U G H  

Power, Status & Position Are An Act of Fearlessness.

Money is basically nothing till the time, it fulfills a need or a want or a desire.

Success comes only when you realize that you don't have forever and you may die tommorrow.

What 'The 50th Law of Power' By Robert Greene taught you was that when you begin to fight with fearless energy, people will not be able to ignore and / or resist you. At any given point of your life you are fearful of something or the other and you have a choice whether to accept that fear or to deny it. What you may know if you deny that fear is that, there are endless possibilities wherein you may become what you actually are. But here's the catch - you don't know what you actually are.

There's something big hidden inside you that knows that a life full of wealth and power is possible and you can feel it's yearnings all the time. If and only if, you would listen to it intently and focus your entire life in the application of it's wonderful knowledge earnestly, things would start happening for you in a big manner. In a way previously deemed impossible.

If you don't allow this transformation to happen, then the big guy inside you will burn you out. If you let him die, he will kill you. You will be a floating carcass in the sea of life. You will be the living dead, a zombie. You will be a failure that you never wanted to be.

It's just another way of saying, that if you don't help yourself and identify the innate talents hidden within you and / or hinder it's discovery in you, by any foolish act or acts on your part; then it's awesome power will be reversed in a due course of time and will begin to act 'against you' instead of 'for you.'

After that, (if at all) you will realize that the wealth and the damsels which other people have attained could have been yours, too.

A N U J  C H U G H

The Jigsaw Puzzle of Your Life.

Life is finding out what exactly is, that you want and getting it. Finding out what exactly, is the most difficult part. But it has to be done because your most intense feelings are associated completely with 'what exactly you want' and that exact thing exists, whether you agree it or not. You are here for 'something.' You cannot be here on this earth plane, without any reason.

Find out what makes you tick by dedicating your time to thorough research about yourself. If that 'something' be materialistic or spiritual, you should not feel ashamed or guilty about yourself. You are not to pass any judgments or harbour the fear of non-conforming. You should not pity yourself, no matter how big your goal turned out to be. It can always be divided into smaller goals.

Life is compellingly big to play small. It's not enough to write it all on paper. Fearlessness and actions are needed to make it a reality. While it's completely understandable, that you are not to make any rash or risky decisions; it is also completely true that ideally, you should attain what you want.

It's only your most intense feelings that will make you feel truly alive. So, find out what your most intense feelings are associated with. Once you find out, go for it. Don't start weighing the pros and cons in your mind. Rest assured, that you are on the right track.

This is the only way to play life. Otherwise, life plays you. Remember, every problem has a solution. Every problem. No matter how big and complex. No matter how entangled, the situation is. Against all odds, against all complexities; you will continue to do what you can do the best. Don't look around the world, don't search around the world for the ultimate secret.

The ultimate secret is you. It's not an arrogant bashing, it has an intricate design. The fundamental of you being here, is to attain what you want. Your life is only what you want. Your life is not concerned with the world. It becomes concerned only when you become it's (the world) unwitting victim.

Practice complete non-conformity in the face of your true will, your true desire. Your way is the only way.  Lastly, all the knowledge, know-how, skills, talent and wisdom that you have acquired over the years, are like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

They fit together perfectly into a complete and meaningful whole. Don't ever try to downplay and downgrade yourself by thinking yourself inferior to others. They are not better-off. It's only because of your habit of self-pity that they are so.

Every piece of this jigsaw puzzle, which is 'you,' is a manifestation of intense desire and intense yearning. The themes are different but the basic mood is the same, they (the pieces) push you to express your uniqueness. They are all parts of your underlying unity and will support you at the exact moment.

You must accept your responsibility towards expressing the highest level of creativity. You have a magnificent history. Remember your past. Remember your yearnings. It is very important to complete the whole picture, of that which you think of as 'you,' by not holding anything back due to whatever reason.

At times, you have a tendency to become 'good,' which is only in your mind. But, you are only being a passive and stupid victim. You have created a prison about yourself, from which the only escape is enlightened selfishness. Your every effort must yield return. Returns, in your favour. Be prepared to lose your defunct and harmful self by constantly revising your thoughts and behaviors.

You have immense potential, know it before you die. Do what you can, while you can.

A N U J  C H U G H

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Possible Realizations & Reflections, In Your Life And At Your Death-Bed.

Quality of life is very important.

Dignity, self-respect and self-confidence consists the quality of life.

Though one should not brood over the past, the past is still very important.

You are weak, until you are able to defend yourself and propagate yourself.

You are here to live, achieve and prosper as other human beings do.

Those 'other' human beings are ones who are able to influence and dominate, having achieved some or all avenues of power, in their considerable amounts.

These individuals are victors, they crush many people underneath them.

Thought is creative, your life is completely your own responsibility.

Even your parents cannot help you, no matter how desperately they may want to do so.

Your thoughts determine whether you are crushed and exploited by the 'other' men and women or not.

The basic structure of the society is unfair, unjust and biased.

It is self-sustaining and hence, thrives on itself.

It's a terrible truth that you will determine the quality of your life and if you are not able to do so, none will come to your rescue.

It's a terrible truth that otherwise, life becomes a bloody joke and you start wishing yourself 'dead' before every morning.

And it's no use, if you do or you do not believe in god.

Though it's true, your thoughts have created your circumstances, your conditions, your poverty or your riches; you have also been harmed or betrayed by other people, even those who may have a close relationship to you or even 'God', or rather, 'your belief in God.'

All your pains, small deaths and bleedings should never be ignored.

They are damn serious and by their own force, make their brutal and serious presence felt, whenever you experience any kind of pain or heartaches.

Life is too fast. Your past is over too soon. Even before you can ponder over or reflect on it.

This leads to unfinished business, unfulfilled riches or wealth, unsatisfied dreams, fantasies, ambitions or desires.

This further leads to false memories, unhappiness, loneliness, low self-esteem and dignity, depression and suicidal tendencies.

'Life is difficult,' as Buddha rightly put it, and you realize that 'The laughing buddha' must not have always laughed.

But, in the end, the heartful realization is that, that you are different.

Every moment of your life, here on earth is too divine to be wasted.

If you are not able to live for yourself, you make a solemn oath to learn the art of living for others.

You realize that there is no realization unless, it is from the heart and that the reality of death is acute as it always surrounds you.

You further realize that the fundamental basis of all your fears, is the fear of death itself and that you will conquer everything, if you conquer it.

The last and the final, the most advance stage of realization is that no matter how much you happen to cherish your life and consequently, dread your death or how brutally this inhuman world has raped, prostituted and murdered you and you happen to cherish your death, hence; the substratum of reality is within you, everything exists because you exist and all creations of the future after your death, will be a working and function of your imagination which is progressive and rests upon the true foundations of justice as it should be and not the way the inhuman world trashes and twists it.

You realize that no matter how much advice you have given, intellectual conversations shared or the rare gems of insight you have given away, irrespective of the worthiness of your receivers, you couldn't give them your heart, you can't give anyone your heart, no one can and a person is and will be it's one and only safekeeper.

From above, considering that your soul is immortal, eternal and true; divine and godly justice will be inevitable.

Justice as it should be and not the way it is made to be, permanently embedded in the fabric of the 'True reality' and not 'the reality as it appeared and appears to be.'

Otherwise, you will realize that your life was just a random and meaningless bubble, in the futility of an unjust and a stupid cosmos.

And that, the big-bang theory and the calculation of the age of the universe had very little, or no relevance to your limited bubble-like lifespan.

You realize that it is not difficult, but impossible to forgive anyone who has committed a crime against you.

Secondly, more knowledge never led you to much success, but half-witted-ness and it was never about the pursuit of happiness, but happiness itself, no matter how it was gained, if at all it was gained.

Thirdly, mere intellectual and logical reasoning always failed bitterly to prove or disprove the existence of God.

Your experiences of life were dynamic and fluidic in nature and hence, ran in all possible directions.

Finally; you realize that you desperately wanted to defend yourself from violent and hostile forces that wanted you dead, instantaneously or prolong your pain, indefinately.

And that personal success, well-being and happiness was only ever based upon assertion, domination, seizure, take-overs, seduction, usage, dark magic, influence, possession and ownership.

With Love,

A N U J  C H U G H

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wealthy Elites Use 'Secrecy'

People are stupid. People ask me and even keep discussing in the online forums, 'How much wealth does The Rothschild have ? / How much is The Rothschild Family's net worth ?' Well, the answer is - Secrecy is The Rothschild's Wealth.

They are worth the amount of disinformation they spread, their cloaks, disbelief and misinformation they cause even in the age of the internet, the system they sustain and the public reach and awareness they manage to avoid. In other words, the secrets that they successfully keep. They are just the keepers of secrets.

Their vast wealth would not be theirs to keep, if it were not for the sheer and utmost secrecy - that they are masters of. The world contains secrets, the scope, the vastness and the magnitude of which you can't imagine, can't comprehend and are beyond your imaginations. Hence, it is futile to even speculate on it.

You can rest assured that you are up against forces of evil...and you will keep forgetting this fact in the good times, in the better days of your life. You are a human being after all, you have needs, desires that need to be fulfilled, hopes for the future, aspirations, you have emotions and you will not want to believe and speak about things which don't further your interests, anyways. Such, is the power of The Rothschild.

They control all the information as they control the media. The one who has the money to buy his / her next meal, eats; others, die. Money has become a major force in everyone's Life. Yet you will want to ignore the conspiracy to keep up with the status-quo because, you are on the right side of the fence and things are quite enjoyable, as they are.

Everyone eventually believes, what they want to believe - No one can force a belief upon anyone, it's impossible. It requires a calamity to come to an understanding that a few things you believed to be true, on the basis of which you placed / kept high hopes, were not true after all and that really hurts.

 He who has all the money, will have his ass furiously licked by one and all. That's why everyone gets sold out, sooner or later. The only thing worth trying to do is to try and be an exception to the above fact. Otherwise, one is no different (than the countless others). Money has it's own sheen, it's own pull, it's own seduction.

In a way, it is a nasty thing. But that doesn't stop us from being it's slaves by not questioning things, when intuitively we always know that the entire money system is based on rank injustice and will always lead to rich getting richer and poor getting poorer; in the grand scheme of things. We are and will be - Mere puppets with money pulling our strings. This has to stop !!          

 I am quitting my research on the amount of money, the wealthy elites have stolen since the dawn of human civilization until now. For all practical purposes, it does not matter whether they have stolen billions or trillions. What matters however, is that I plan out my future immaculately, several steps ahead because, it has really reached a high time now.

I have to be really practical and think in the terms of 'what can be done' and 'what cannot be done.' At the end, that's what 'Being Practical,' actually means. I have to ensure my survival, if not my greed. I have to let go of my faulty ways of thinking - If I want to live with respect and dignity, I got to have to work for my livelihood. Success, fame and wealth are the second step. I have to ensure work and the stream of regular income that results from it.

A N U J  C H U G H

Never before published - All you ever wanted to know about money.

Whenever an intelligent form of life, such as ours, emerge and form a civilization; money is most likely to emerge as well. The basic fundamental behind money is that our basic needs of survival such as food and fresh water required effort and hard work of farming, hunting, gathering and searching.

Money emerged when the intelligent need to exchange was felt and hence, money became and still is a store of value for such effort and hard work. The history of money complete with its background and details are not the topic of this article. I just want to expose the money system that prevails today.

A simple primitive desire for exchange is not all that, their is to the story. Living in groups and clans, humans were also driven by a tendency to assert, lead, dominate, stand out, become powerful, fuck as many women as possible and all the other types of blood-shed, savagery and barbarism.

Confirming with the modern view of life, these qualities are as natural, as it were then. Though the attacks, confrontations, and vices have taken different forms such that they are indirect, subtle, discreet, complicated, manipulative and deceptive. Such feelings and drives were always present in humans and never left us.

We, the humans want to own and possess more and more wealth, money and power, even when we can enjoy a perfectly happy life with what we have. As you can see now that, money was never supposed to be the obsession it turned out to be. It is the global rules of the society, one has to spend his / her entire life in.

For, money in itself is just a store for value - It works only on the basis of it's function and the collective trust and confidence, people all over, place on it, while transacting, on an everyday basis.

Universe, God, Nature, The First Cause - Call it whatever you want, is the source of infinite supply. I am not saying abundant, when I say infinite, I mean it. Human greed, consumerism, destructive, ruinous, exploitative & dominating ways of thinking and acting is destroying our source on earth. But our source is absolutely powerful, wise and intelligent. Our activities only affect ourselves.

Nature will always balance things in the long-run. Do the right things, be happy and enjoy life on account of the positive results. Do the wrong things & you bring pain to yourself and others on account of the negativity created. We, the humans have problem understanding that we are the authors of our own lives.

Politicians, Governments & Corporates run the lives of the masses only when they give in to mass manipulation, mass deception & mass consent - just by doing nothing, exactly. You don't have any rights until you help yourself. It's not enough to be good. You gotta kill evil people.

I never simply wanted to be '#1' or the 'Best' in any chosen field of endeavor, I believed in the ideals of justice, equality, fair treatment, ethics, morals, peace, etc. But unfortunately, they have remained and turned out to be just that - Ideals. There is no such thing as equality or even equal opportunity.

Ultimately, you want to enjoy a good and a high quality of life; until your death. The amount of money you have, your financial background and/or the wealth you happen to acquire in the future, will have a lot of say in that. Even when the money issue is solved out permanently for good, there will be a lot more problems and issues to work on; you can be rest assured of that.

These challenges relate to natural consequences of being a human, such as disease, aging, loneliness, hopeless-ness, boredom, anxiety, cynicism, sickness and the problems, other human beings globally, bring to the table, directly or indirectly, to add to the rest of that, as if those were not enough !!

But, at the end of it all, I don't see the reason why I should be enjoying extreme wealth when so many people around the world are living in extreme conditions of hunger and poverty.

Your soul lies with your conscience and not the other way round. How can you have a soul when all you can ever seek is your victory over others in terms of pursuit, gain and multiplication / maintenance of extreme wealth ?

It's better to have a purity of soul than these things. Seek contentment that only comes from within, otherwise, you tend to give in to ambition, ego, greed, competitive pressures, society, vanity, visceral revenge, lust, unfulfilled love, dominion / supremacy / assertion, control dynamics, arrogance and forgetfulness of one's mortality.

It is difficult to tread The path of pure and unconditional love / The way of the white swan. But try, you must. Your motto should be - ' The world and my life in it, is temporal.'

A N U J  C H U G H      

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Children are the Future of a Nation.

What does one really need in this world, that he / she can't live without ? Ans. Food, water and peace of mind, to keep him / her going. These are all physical and mental needs that guarantee one's sanity, health and well-being.

Some children are intelligent and really want to learn, to read and write, so that they can study their way out of the shackles of poverty. What comes in the way even when they have access to primary education is, their life's rudeness to score them two meals a day.

India is surrounded by poverty, yet no one does anything about it. Poverty makes a person, a handicap, even with all limbs intact. It is difficult to escape out of it.

I think people in India only have a mentality that if a person is born normal, then he / she can work his / her way to the food they need. But, the fact can also be that because he / she didn't receive proper nutrition ever in their lives, hard labor takes a toll on their health.

Even if they are willing to work for wages, they get stuck in the cycle of receiving those wages only to be spent on the hunger of their tummies, everyday. They work so that they can eat and they eat so that they can work. How can anyone expect them to get out of their poverty, when these poor folks can't manage to have any saving ? 

Only education can save poor people. All I want is for this country to provide primary, secondary and even higher education ( In the form of distribution of 1 or 2 important & key books) and sufficient food till at least, the child attains 16 years of age.

Children are the future of our country. In-fact, children all over the globe, are the future of the world. So, why do we let them starve and beg on the roads when they are supposed to get educated ? Why only privileged children should get educated and better opportunities ?

Why can't anyone see their tears and the questions they ask themselves about the conditions they found themselves in, since their birth ? Before having dreams of providing every child with education till secondary level, why not start with providing them with food so that they don't have to beg or perform hard labour for themselves and their families ?

Children are the Future of a Nation. Period. Even if they are born in poverty, it doesn't change this fact. But by accepting this fact and acting on it, we can change their future. 

A N U J  C H U G H 

The No-Nonsense Guide to Improve Your Life Right Now, Vol. 4

Another Perspective On Life, Glory And Guts.

Since, I am very much into good quotes, I present you with the most amazing three lines, that has the power to change the way you live your life. The only effort needed on your part is to accept and embrace these lines and the wisdom contained in them, whole-heartedly.

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
- By Theodore Roosevelt

In all the good self-help and success books I've read, two most important and indispensable steps, that are recurring and repeated are:- 1) It all boils down to how badly you want it, and 2) Courage, guts and fearlessness. I realize, with every passing day that life is a serious business and nothing is predetermined.

The problem is not getting out of negative situations. There will always be some sort of negativity in your life, no matter what you do, how much you do. Life suffices it. Problem comes only when it weighs down on you and makes you, static and fearful.

Show some confidence man. There will always be people who will downgrade you, downplay you as so many are fighting for the same positions, for limited resources. You have to find your own way, make your own way. Things are not easy. It's all bloody mean and bitchy out there. I hope you understand these things, give them due attention and take care of yourself.

There are people who do wrong with guilt and there are people who do wrong without any guilt. In this life, you come here, are born here to avoid pain, reduce your suffering and seek your happiness. No, it's wrong, you are not here to make this world a better place to live in. You are here for your self interests and that is, the pursuit of happiness and lofty heights. To earn money, relationships and those things, which will make you happy. You can't spread happiness, until you are happy yourself.

Care enough, to stand your own ground. You meet people and you talk to them nicely but there's one right that you shouldn't give to anyone and that is, teaching you right and wrong. You will live your own life, only if you have your own judgements, though you can use at times, other person's opinion as your reference point.

Take care of the way you carry yourself i.e., the way you act and move. If you act like a beggar, you will be a beggar. Don't worry or have second thoughts about it. For this is a world of appearance. This world relies upon appearances, and heavily at that.

Don't believe in god, don't believe in destiny either. You are not that weak. Belief in God, only works when the person has developed a strong character and has learned to keep the bigger picture in sight. It requires maturity. Otherwise, the person only begs in front of the idols for what is lacking in him / her, in vain. Alternatively, they may blame 'destiny'.

A rich man only has more money. Nothing great about him if he is tough on people in poverty, and not its causes. People working under him, eat off their own blood and sweat, through hard labor. Not off the so-called, 'love, mercy, compassion, sympathy & forbearance,' shown by the fat guy. The bloated guy is enjoying a good outward quality of life. But his mean spirit and dark heart will never allow him to be at peace with himself. His darkness will chase him down everywhere, even to the depths of hell.

Don't care if you live only 4 years more and die. The only thing that matters is, how much
ever you live, you should live like an elegant lion and not like a clumsy dog. The only thing that you really want from the core of your heart, is to be dignified with yourself - is to honor your own self with your behavior. So you see, your life is in your own hands.

A N U J  C H U G H    

Monday, April 15, 2013

No Fate, No Karma !

The books of law of attraction, new thought, quantum physics, multiple universes, parallel universes, zero point field and quantum physics have us believe, that anyone can get anything. This is at the root of their basic premise. Of course, this is not true.

Whether or not you will be able to achieve or get what you are aiming for, depends upon many factors. Most of them are internal, say 60%. Yet many factors such as taking birth in poverty, permanent disability and handicap, being external can turn around this percentage, going as far high as being, 90% on the external.

Lots of escape velocity is needed to escape extreme poverty, which one may find himself / herself in, at birth. Many have escaped it in the past, through a career in crime, gangs and violence. Though extreme, the perfectly moral way to earn bread the right way, also seems difficult when one is already hungry, stomach is craving for food and has already gone through hell, harrassed by the ways of the world and its people.

The major creative-thinking inhibiting, talent self-destroying, aspirations-thwarting theory and philosophy I have ever seen is the stupid beliefs of men, in past-life karma, or the belief in destiny. There is no destiny other than that which is in the hands of men (and women) themselves. No fate, nothing.

Just subscribing to these theories kills the little chance, the poverty-ridden people may have to change their lives. This philosophy kills a man from within, destroys ambition and breeds despondency.

A N U J  C H U G H 

Friday, April 12, 2013

The No-Nonsense Guide to Improve Your Life Right Now, Vol. 3

Everyone and everything can change - for better or worse. No one studies history hence, can't learn from it and become bound to repeat it. People must at the very least, learn from their personal history. People ruin their lives by day-dreaming, wishing, living in illusion, believing stupid things, having stupid notions, being and acting lazy, wasting time away, being fearful & dumb, lying and deluding themselves & putting no effort to correct the above and hence, showing no signs of improvement.

If you don't have any courage, wits or guts to do the things you always wanted to do, you will only make yourself hopeless, depressed and frustrated. Stick to what you said to yourself that  you will do. Do what you promised yourself at all costs, no matter what. No matter what the current situation is, or how it has changed. You said that you will do then, you shall do. The matter is settled and closed, now. Sad but sure truth is that, this is the only way, the disaster of your life can be corrected.

Be real. Tell yourself the truth and reality of everything, when you talk to yourself. And, act, respond & behave on it's basis. Never react. Reacting is mechanical, you are not a mechanical robot. Be more aware, be more conscious of your place in the society and the world, at large. When you react, you downplay yourself, more often than not. Try to gain information, knowledge and skills, which you don't have access to, yet. Then, you will by yourself tend to respond, be a king of your life and rule.

All the evil in your life feeds on your own negative energy. This would be one happy realisation even as you read this, and it dawns upon you. Evil feeds on your tension, anxiety, worry, fear, pain, discontent, petty-mindedness, unhappiness, loneliness, silent desperation and mental suffering. Do not have them, you feed evil through each one of them. Man bears this burden and becomes evil's victim, even when he could have easily chosen not to.

Try and be strong. Next time you go to a supermarket, rise above greedy consumerism by avoiding impulsive buying behaviors and the tempting desire caused by strategically placed materialistic attractions and visual displays. These attractions are futile and stupid as they garbage the entire planet. Make a list, be frugal and strike off items that are not really required, before shopping and buy only according to your list. Let's see how well you can take control of yourself and your budget. This seems like a small and unimportant step, but believe me it isn't so.

               A N U J  C H U G H             

The No-Nonsense Guide to Improve Your Life Right Now, Vol. 2

Most of your reality is your core beliefs and the habits that reinforce them. Success is about escaping your negative beliefs and developing positive ones that aid in self-esteem and an increased avenue, through habits. We are only limited by our thoughts, and habits that reinforce them. Habits can only be replaced, they cannot be destroyed. And common sense tells us, that a negative habit should be replaced by a positive one - to be happy, even if success or great wealth is not guaranteed.

I have found out that I was unnecessarily reinforcing negative situations and circumstances of my past through negative and habitual use of my memory and recalling. It is unconscious, hard to control. You create your own reality. Assert your will, lest you even stop having one. It's deeper than words and theories - application. Show the world your good traits by being what you can be, the hard way. Never give up. Don't forget, never forget - you were born to rule.

People wonder what is the meaning of life. Well, the meaning of life is a life of meaning - live in a way that life means something to you, that makes you really happy living it. If you can't be happy, nobody can help you. And you go on with your weaknesses and poor habits questioning, 'What is life ?', 'Why is it ?', 'Does God exist ?' and so on...

Your life is your responsibility. No one give's a damn. Be yourself. Be authentic. Get real. Practice honest self-talk. World does not bother - If you die, you die. You are all by yourself, out here on your own. So please, take care, it's a sincere request. Always remember to take care. This is what life is supposed to be - the way it is, and this is how you are supposed to live.

Just living life, is so difficult. There are situations that make you weak and hence, you wish things were different. Even after putting in, a lot of hard work and effort, there are setbacks that you have to face and are not even mentally prepared for (they come unexpectedly). There's no use reading and writing, if one can't improve his / her life. That's the sole problem with life - one cannot live any way one wants, one has to make life worthy of being lived, with a reasonably good amount of happiness.

Just getting by is painful and makes life, not worth living. Your major threat in life is the collective stupidity of the people who affect you directly. You have to use your smartness and wisdom to overcome it. Otherwise, they will impose their will on you, and that will always result in your loss. You gotta think for yourself and learn to be selfish.

Don't fear anything. You are the CEO of your life. You run the business of your life.

A N U J  C H U G H  

In solitude, you have your mind !

When I am lonely, when I am alone, when I have no one to talk to; I have my mind, my own beautiful mind. With my own help, I don't need anything else really, for that demanding moment.

What use are the people who don't really understand you, when you can surround your mind with such beauty that you come out fresh every time you immerse thy self in it ?

That wonderful and unceasing quality and the nature of your mind, that always loves to tell tales to itself. If and only if you make friends with yourself by loving yourself and hence, caring for yourself deeply; you will be able to understand the glory and beauty of your mind.

Your mind is not a superficial facade of reality, but contains such secrets you are not aware of. A day spent alone can be a blessing, if you know how. Most of us would rather crave and yearn for experiences and people, respectively; at the first instinct.

Respect thyself, a little bit more and claim a better judgment for yourself over what is simple and true & what is not so. Try to get yourself to be in awe with what is rather than what is not and will never be.

A N U J  C H U G H