Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Everything about Human Life & What's Wrong With it

Human civilization upon earth and their very lives, are a game. I don't care about the existence or non-existence of 'God'. We as humans, bring in a lot of commitment to this game. I can say that due to the amount of pain and suffering majority of us collectively take. Our perpetuating pain and suffering, are a reason enough to do something.

We toil, struggle and strive, yet our lives do not seem to improve. Maybe things were never supposed to be better, good and ideal or maybe we consented to every God-damned game the elite aristocracy, wealthy minority and the bastard politicians played against us.

The system is rigged against us. We have to work hard for our bread while these sick parasites, feed upon us. We are too busy at work, trying to keep up and not get fired at the job, to notice such things, in the bigger, global perspective. And the worst thing is, due to the false illusion of scarcity fed to all of us, by the people in charge, survival and cut-throat competition has percolated to the lowest level. Poor people now fuck, poor people.

Rich have all sorts of luxuries, their presence evokes a fear of power, and also, hatred and anguish, when their backs are turned. I don't mean to say, that all people are born equal and hence, should be made to lead equal lives; I just want to say that, our lives and our well-being, should be more in our control.

There should not be any act on anyone's part that escapes the scrutiny of the vast majority of the public it affects. Politicians and wealthy capitalists should be stripped of their power and punished whenever they are up to no good. All media and all reporting should be honest and must be held accountable. Judiciary system should be abolished, if it does not work.

People are forced to work because of the hunger and the stomachs that are to be fed, even when they know in their heart that they should be striking and opposing. We, the people never wanted to be born in the first place, but are compelled to hope that life becomes a boon and not a curse. The only innocent thing an adult does is that, he/she forgets that they were once a child. We, the people have forgotten, the collective power we hold.

The power, not of death and sacrifice or to be a martyr, for these only become just another 'statistic'. But to be observant, judgmental and proactive about what is really happening. Every one of us can be a leader, for we can lead ourselves. If the people can comprehend and maintain a common perspective about the harsh realities and the problems challenging our very own existence, then there should be no difficulty in uniting.

Revolting and protesting, in the past, have proved to be a futile bloodshed. Those bastards kill us to maintain their dictatorshit. We should fight in effective and indirect ways. And lastly, and more importantly, I want to remind you that we must fight to live and not, to die. We must fight for ourselves and those of our fellowmen, who are suffering with a similar fate. This world would become better place, if just the 1% minority of degenerate, blood-sucking parasites, are exterminated.

Identifying the human viruses, is a major obstacle as we don't know who actually pulls the strings, from behind the scenes. But they are surely hiding behind layers upon layers of subsidiary companies, group companies and their controlling stakes. The power lies with the people. The system should never use the people. The people should use the system, by representing themselves.


        A N U J  C H U G H         

Survival and Killer Instincts

Life is all about killer instincts and survival instincts. Killer instincts because, there will be times and situations where you will have to kill to survive or compete to win. Survival instincts because, too much pain and too many problems have a tendency to weigh down upon you and crush your spirit.

Never rely upon people's sympathy, make them act out of their self-interest, for people rarely act out of sympathy. Make them feel and most importantly, make them understand that doing what you want them to do, is in their best interests.

It's strange to note that people only bend to your will, either out of respect or out of fear. It's just human nature. Talk much and you appear accessible and your value goes down. In any given place, people will start talking about you, when you stop showing up. You go there everyday, and you are just taken note of as an ambiance in the background, which is a given.

It is also interesting to note that many people who consider themselves to be good and appear to be good in the society, have a tendency to ignore other people as 'human beings' like themselves, with all the hopes and aspirations of a beating heart.

A N U J  C H U G H  

Mastery & Achievement

I love my favourite author, Robert Greene for the things he writes and the things he says. Below are a few of his quotes:

'The people in life who are primarily motivated by money or security often end up losing whatever they gain, whereas those who follow their passion end up making far more money than they ever desired.'

'Your emotional commitment to what you are doing will be translated directly into your work.'

'There is no mastery or power without passion.'

Do you really need more motivation and guidance other than the three above-mentioned quotes?

Everything we achieve is not by chance or accident. Many a times life will hit you as if you are just a worthless pile of flesh and bones. No matter in what situation, in what darkness you are in; your resolve to get yourself out of there, will get you out of there. That's how you do it. You go after what you want, giving no reason at all, to life to mock you.

Through focused attention on a problem, we can pierce to more and more profound levels of understanding.

  Getting into a Job or a Business ?

If you are going to get a job, you are never going to make money to fulfill your dreams. You can live comfortably, gain experience and skills or even have a decent lifestyle.

Through jobs, you are going to understand the value of money, how you made it and how you stretch every rupee until your salary increases progressively.

Capitalism though difficult and challenging at first, is the only thing that will make you a money-maker. It's not only about the money, it's more fun and enjoyable learning process and / or the steps to mastery than just having a job that will (surely) feel like paid slavery, at times.

Always be on the lookout for the next learning source / experience rather than only being on the lookout for money.

A N U J  C H U G H 

Powerful bikes and the Need for Speed !

When you have a passion for bikes since childhood, and you happen to stay in a city like Mumbai, you are in for serious trouble. You risk losing your life due to your stupid engagement with pulling the testosterone - driven throttle.

Even a low powered 153cc Yamaha can reach speeds of 100kmph+ and such speeds are damn risky on a two - wheeler as compared to four wheels, while in the latter you are inside caged whereas in the former, you are exposed, outside, riding atop your machine. This is the reason that bikes are called mean machines and not because they have a lot of power. You may just fly off the saddle, during an impact.

Powerful bikes like Yamaha YZF R1, 2012 Kawasaki Ninja ZX - 14R, Suzuki Hayabusa, Triumph Speed Triple, Moto Guzzi Griso, Norton Commando 961 and many of the BMW Motorrad's beasts have their attractiveness, that's for sure.

But having one of them, in Mumbai, is a folly. Apart from the fact that I risk dying during one of my speed-runs, these bikes cost double their price in India due to total 103% import duty levied on them, as per our nation's stupid and archaic taxation laws. Hence, I may consider buying and riding one of these monsters, somewhere in Europe. Apart from awesome roads, the bike also come cheap and there are lot many to choose from.

As of now, there are many challenges in my life that need to be overcome and worked out. The struggle for money is imminent and dominant in my life. I have to battle for my happy existence in this world. So even if I harbor such fantasies that super bikes will make me happy, I would be disillusioned badly in the future. They won't.

A N U J  C H U G H  

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

How to Live Your Life ?...This is how !

The best thing you can ever do with your life is to fight for what you really desire with all your might. There will be many pitfalls, lows and downfalls. In the process, recover quickly. Never stop looking out for what you really want. Never forget it. Never keep it out of sight, of your mind's eye. You will achieve it.

A good life is earned, the old-fashioned way. There's no other way. This traditional way has 3 elements: (a) Compete and win. (b) Outwit and outsmart to get your way. (c) Develop yourself (Both your tangibles and intangibles) & use your uniqueness to have an edge.

You have not borrowed your life from anybody, to be repaid with interest, in it's due time. Your life is your own. You should command and you should be responsible. Never wish. Wishing, day-dreaming and weeping do not make things happen. You were not made to do so, either.

Your mind and your body has an innate potential which can help you attain a good life, provided you make good use of them, i.e. your mind and your body. The best hint you can ever get is to always be on the move - to best utilize your potential. Never be settled. Never be complacent. Always attack. Always make good use of your 'dead' time.

Face life, dammit ! Take it on the chest. Play life on the front foot. Your body and mind's muscles are made for use and exertion and not for stupid and lazy relaxation.

A N U J  C H U G H

Monday, March 11, 2013

All your Enemies are Within You...

Life of man upon earth, is a warfare.

Your life will always go in the direction you want it to go. Make no mistake about
it. You were unconscious many a times, hence acted dumb or out of ignorance.
That explains your mistakes. Now the growing part - that is more important and
most essential. Have you really grown from all your mistakes ? Ask yourself.
Maintain a secret diary, write all your mistakes down and the path you will now
take, for the future. It's your life anyway, it's well worth the effort. But only as
much worth as your life is to you.

Ultimate warfare is against yourself for, you are your own worst enemy. Be a
warrior of light in this world. Discern the truth from falsehoods. Don't support
evil, no matter how tempting those benefits seem to you, that may accrue. Don't
betray and crush the voice of the truth. Logically you should be only as impor-
tant as any other man or woman on this planet and your quality of life should
have been as good as anyone/everyone. If upon this world, you landed up on
the right side of the fence/sunny side of the fence - you should fight for/stand
up for others and try and avoid being greedy and self-centered.

The ultimate joke that life may or may not play with you depending on you,
of course.

These are your real enemies:-       

ego, arrogance, attitude, lust, ruthlessness, mercilessness, evil, anger,
selfishness, self-centeredness, violence, specialness, avoiding responsibility,
hatred, lack of understanding, ignorance, laziness, despair, despondency,
social-conformity, lack of strength, lack of morals, ethics
& a good

When you are so busy fighting other people for solely your own benefits
and ends, your REAL enemies are fighting you and winning. All your
ultimate enemies are within you - you never thought of that or did you ?

A N U J  C H U G H

Is there any Justice in the Universe or Is this a Universe of Justice ?

Big Bang theory in other words, is as good as saying that universe created itself out of nothing, which is not only impossible but ridiculous.

The reality of life which is most difficult to accept - is all types of pain, suffering and sorrow of all living things. All the evil in the world, would become defunct & obsolete in a hypothetical situation when the above cease to exist. Thus, we can safely conclude that evil, injustice and inequality owes its colossal power to its infliction of pain, causation of suffering and perpetuation of sorrow upon all living things. Evil eternally feeds upon it.

In the hypothetical moment when all of these disappear, evil will disappear too and maybe, also the creation itself. Hence, we can also say that all living things are imperfect for, they can be harmed. No one and nothing is invincible. The creation and its living things, were not intended to be perfect because, the moment the possibility of pain, suffering and sorrow steps in, evil steps in too and only leads to the play of the opposites i.e, Good Vs. Evil eternally, in all their forms and manifestations.

If at all we have a Creator; it would have to be one who is the original and without a cause as the endless process and questions about causation would stretch unto infinity.

God has created us and has thus, seemingly done a great injustice to all of us by putting us all through this. But when we go deeper, we realize that He has also given us His power by creating us as pure potentials, having a potential for evolution and expression of more power and freedom. Yeah, this does not change anything or lessen the pain we have to go through; it is merely a philosophical discussion, to be frank. Every life is seeking more life. Everything is evolving. Everything is in a state of movement, constant flux. Everything wants to express life. Every plant and animal is journeying to become more conscious. Nothing is dead, its a thriving and throbbing universe.

No matter how much pain, enormous endless and torturous; some people may seem to go throughout their lives, the basic structure of cosmos cannot be unjust as it would collapse. Theoretically, every positive has to be balance by every negative and vice-versa. It is just that many a times, lot of negativity is allowed to prevail for a considerably long period of time. Inconceivable evil comes into existence, challenging every goodness.
It is created by humans, not the Creator. It is because the Creator gave the choice of free will, we intuitively and emotionally feel inclined to blame & abuse God for such an abuse of free will, on the part of, those directly responsible for the human condition. Such blasphemy is the natural discharge of emotion and hurt.

Even when people know who are the masters that have enslaved them, nothing much is done due to the power of evil that is spread, far and wide. In such a case, the person does not have much choice but to turn his back to God and also, the entire scientific evolution drama. This he does by abusing God many times in his mind.

All this is caused by the huge amount of negativity in the world and in the person's own life. His own evolution is stalled, and a spiritual person with a good intellect to understand the creation and evolution process, gradually becomes a skeptic. We all are desperately seeking positivity, desperately seeking justice and desperately want the balance restored.

Every wrong ought to be punished with the same momentum & intensity - with the same amount of harm (pain, suffering and sorrow) inflicted, otherwise our Creator cannot be called to be a 'Just God.' Example - A person directly responsible for killing 100 people without any valid justification to neutralize some or all of the evil committed, must bear the same amount of harm undergone by those 100 people, collectively. In hell or some other realm, where it happens does not matter - the only thing that matters is that it happens. Every evil, punished. Every injustice, brought to justice. Every wrong, repaid. No more, No Less.

A N U J  C H U G H

The Martial Artist

even the most beautiful of all things are futile,
if they are weak.
beauty without strenght is worse than
ugliness with strength.
stupidity makes the gift of life wortheless.
laziness causes the mind and body to rot.
unintelligent and stupid is the intellectual
man with no-guts. 
knowledge is no use without wisdom.
life has no purpose without devotion.
99% commitment is no commitment.
the basis of all power is fearlessness.
power is evil if aimed at greed, self-service
and contempt towards the poor.
all power will be slayed in due time
by the mighty forces of good.

the only truth is the application of
knowledge with wisdom.
other than that, all is junk information,
no matter how knowledgeable you
may consider yourself to be or
actually are.
your intent should always be with
forces of good, no matter how difficult
your life may become.
this will protect you from the eight
paths of evil namely; vanity, attachment,
greed, anger, lust, self-indulgence, 
arrogance and vile acts of injustice.
being good is not about acting good,
it seeks and it must seek the total
destruction of evil, too.

A N U J  C H U G H

The Death of Environment Means the Death of All life

This is one article that I’ve been planning to do for a long time. It’s in fact, more relevant than ever. It points to all of us and the burden we put on the planet’s resources to fulfill our never ending selfish desires, to the extent of even becoming greedy at times. Throughout mankind’s history, great crimes have been committed to gain material things, to progress in our understanding through science. Alas! These crimes have been committed against our very own environment, the very own place that we thrive on, The Planet Earth.

Capitalism has created oil barons, robber barons, steel barons and cut-the-trees barons. We have seen it get destroyed in front of our own eyes and it is possible that it is very late to even ponder on the damage done. A little too late that I am a fool even writing this, perhaps. If I had an amount of money, enough to buy 100 acre barren land in a remote area, I would plant trees; enough trees of every wild variety to enable the process of reforestation. Alas! I do not have that kind of money right now.

Time is tick-toking, I am getting scared. Everyone should be scared. You, the readers should be scared. It’s been a nonsensical joke carried on for a bit too long. Capitalists have produced because masses have demanded and we, stupid and jealous masses believe that we have no power and that, the capitalists have called all the shots. We blame them, always.

Ecological crimes have been reducing but a very low rate. With reduction of carbon footprint and green initiatives taken by companies and organizations worldwide, things are happening but at a very slow pace. One may ask who am I to say this. I say this because I don’t see any initiatives taking place in the Reforestation Department. I get to hear every day about businesses seeking land to open new factories to produce new cars, more steel or for power projects, etc.

It’s not that we are getting less oxygen to breathe. It’s only that we don’t care. Selfishness & Greed. For the love of woods, we need to think. If only I had the money, now, because I think that in the future, it will be all too late. Till then, we would survive, of course but there will be less oxygen to breathe.

Another thing is that there will be less land available to me then; when I would have made my fortune to embark upon this kind and selfless work, as a gift to all humanity; because of the rate at which people are gobbling all the land for selfish and greedy activities, which most of the time only damage our planet.

Time to think. Reforestation is the only future.

A N U J  C H U G H

New World Disorder & Conspiracy Crap

After researching for 5 years, I come to the conclusion that the conspiracy theory of international banking elites scheming their way to the ‘New world Order’ is highly unlikely. To begin with, the alleged ownership and control of an amount of money as high as US$500 trillion, which even went up to US$900 trillion by these banking elites, is absurd. Imagine what a trillion dollars can buy- 2-3 top companies of the world, entirely. Even if we consider that it’s all true, then where have they kept, and how have they kept this huge amount of money hiding from the general public. Of course, there can be a way to private ownership of companies and then, there are even rumors of The Rothschilds having huge underground vaults storing enormous quantity of gold in the conspiracy theorists theories.

Having all this money and influence, they can do their work of ‘New World Order’, right away. What are they waiting for? There are nine hundred and ninety-nine ways, anyone can fall for these conspiracy theories but ultimately, there is one effective way, you, me or anyone can save himself/herself from falling under this trap. And that way is through reason- how your life been so miserable and cruel, that you do not desire to live anymore? Even when you were going through bad times, there was something or the other that saved you, otherwise you wouldn’t have been living. No, I am not leading you through to the ‘benign God’ theory. Just want you to question yourself- can the problem of the world and crimes towards humanity. be this bad?
Now, to be frank, I do not have any answers whether these conspiracy theories are true or false but I have found a way of how not to be obsessed by them. You might be disappointed with me saying that, but let me assure you that no matter what you have faced in your entire life, there’s hope. All the problems exist within you and hence, the causes too. If you remove these causes one by one, then you can be the solution and hence, a happy and successful man. Now, you would ask what has this got to do with conspiracy theories- let me tell you this, ‘The world does not matter, you do’. In the deep sleep state every night, the world always ceases to exist.

Every day is an opportunity for you to act and for you to be what you want to be. You can do things today that you were putting off for next week, next month or next year. Finance, of course comes in the way of most people cause’ only a handful of us are, rich. Yeah! But it does not suck, your situation does not suck, who said it? And why do you believe it to be so? You are a person with brains and intelligence. You may have some bad habits, but you are willing to improve your life if given some guidance and the opportunity.

Attitude is the main solution to any of your problem. Just think that all of the conspiracy theorists are 100% true, all of these that you have ever read and even think if you will, that there’s no respite and hence, eternal damnation for your soul even after your death, for nothing at all but for only being a nice and innocent person. Does that matter, if you don’t have a choice? Obviously, conspiracy that big does not leave us a choice but to die but now, we have even added the eternal damnation of the Soul possibility what more can be worse? What more can go wrong? There can be nothing worse than this, it’s not possible. Impossible.

‘It’s because the sheep does not have a choice, it gets prodded’, so is with us the so-called ’sheeple’, by these conspiracy theorists. And now that, we have even thought about eternal damnation of our Souls, which is way bigger than the former, i.e. the death by NWO, the elites, what can be possibly worse? ‘We humans are so limited in our thoughts that we cannot conceive of a Higher Hell from those that we have already conceived but, the eternal damnation of the Soul and hence, it has become the Highest Hell!’ What can be possibly worse? What can we do when we have no choice but to do something? Nothing.
So, hence my friends, these conspiracy folks have only gotten us into their trap, i.e., if you believe them, there’s impending doom and if you don’t believe in them, then there’s impending doom too, coupled with the possibility of even being called a ‘sheeple’.
*All the above quotes are mine, authored specially to fit in the context. But they are logical and well-reasoned even to the level of a layman.
P.S.- To those who have understood me well- Go back to your life and your work and stop wasting time researching these bullies. They are making money, all of them, selling their books, videos and crap.

A N U J  C H U G H

The Downgrade of America / Where Does the Money Go ?

Let’s move a little away from science to the current global economic crisis. With the US finally losing its AAA credit rating and finding itself in a deep hole, the chances of another recession looms over them and maybe, the entire world? But is it going to be that bad, as it was in 2008-2009. Let’s see.

Recent 10-day market slide has caused global markets to lose as much as $4.5 trillion. As we all know that stock markets are a zero sum game or a closed system; that is to say, if someone loses money, someone else gains money. Let us further enquire how were the markets crash caused and who has gained all that money, if at all. If the latter cannot be ascertained, we must ask the big question: ‘Where has $4.5 trillion gone?’ It cannot just disappear. This question would need a financial expert and an economist to answer but I will try, only for the sole reason that no one ever tries to find such answers whenever markets collapse.

How much is $4.5 trillion, anyway? Converted to our Indian currency at the current rate, it is 207.18 lakh crores. This amount is approximately 120 times the amount of money lost by the exchequer in the 2G scam, uncovered by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) in the second half of 2010. The basis of this article is not to cause unrest among the people but to understand, myself and for all who are interested to do so; how the interconnected global financial markets work.

The most obvious reason for this downfall can be attributed to risk aversion in the bear markets done by large institutional investors throughout the world. High national debt ($14 trillion and counting) of US and poor fiscal measures on the part of its policymakers is another. US is contemplating measures such as debt limit revision but is already threatened by China, its largest lender for doing so. Now that Standard and Poor’s have reduced their credit rating by one level to AA+, it seems that US has exhausted all its tools to save its economy.

The answer to my first question is, yes there are chances of another recession and it will affect the entire world like it did in the 2008-2009 period. As for the answer to my second question, I may have overlooked the most fundamental fact that the markets have lost $4.5 trillion. That is to say, the total market capitalization of world markets have eroded by $4.5 trillion and it is not the total of individual and institutional losses. But my enquiry is still valid, and my question can be rephrased as: ‘Is $4.5 trillion, the total amount of money received by institutional and individual investors spread across the world, through the sale of their equities and/or mutual fund units?’

A N U J  C H U G H

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence

My firm belief is that artificial intelligence can never replace or overshadow/takeover human intelligence. It is so because, the self-preserving ability of the human brain will be ever greater in the scheme of things. There may be a war between humans and machines but victory will never be granted to machines. Humans have biological advantage which machines do not.

Humans can never attain the speed and accuracy of an ordinary computing device, what to say of the supercomputer. On the other hand, humans have the advantage of instincts, which lead to self-preservation, and a conscience that sets limits on what we do so that we feel guilty when we are bad, and happy when we are good. Hence, resulting in a sense of justice.

If artificial intelligence, can be programmed to be good always and serve us, they would not be artificial intelligence, at all. But if, they are to be programmed so that they reflect constantly like we as humans do, on their actions and feel guilty like we do, scientists would have to create the pain and dreadfulness of death and fear of it, whatsoever, so that they can empathize like we, the humans do.

However, even after taking all the precautions we would not be able to exercise control on these machines, by programming them to only act productively and constructively for the creation of a utopian world just in the same way as all of their makers, are not altruists and dream and aim for such a world.

That is to say, many of our kind, are also nasty with only self-serving agendas. At best I can say, that there will be two species interacting with eachother, each having their own unique superiorities or special advantages over the other. But, only time will decide whether they would be able to coexist with eachother, or humans will have to kill them, eventually.

A N U J  C H U G H

The Implications of Immortality

Some of the greatest truths of life cannot be transmitted through words.
They can only be experienced and understood. There exists The Ultimate
Truth. Who said that, there can be no Ultimate Truth? That Truth is Death.
Once you have begun to live, the only Ultimate Truth there is, is that you
will have to die.

Scientists from some countries are already trying to understand this
phenomena called death and trying to nullify the ageing process by finding
out ways to integrate humans with machines so that, we never die. They are
finding out ways to make us immortals and thus, dying only if we will to die.

But can immortality, actually be achieved? And if yes, then, is it okay to
tamper with nature in this case, as in other cases of genetic engineering
and human cloning? As it is an uncharted territory, there are hidden
implications that may surface, even as in the case of human cloning when
religious authorities argued, would lead to people spawning without a soul.
But if people can spawn at all without a soul, then why is a soul necessary?

It is for time and experience to show us. Humanity will be doomed if one such
implication regarding indefinite life span, in my opinion, would be creating
new ways of entertainment for us, the immortal beings, eternally, so that we
don't get bored and plan to unplug ourselves and die.

Though it is a far-fetched scenario, as many issues of world hunger, poverty,
illiteracy and starvation are still pending, to be solved. But if, such a
scenario actually manifests, then God and the religions, will be rendered
useless and spirituality will only mean, the fulfillment of mankind's
perpetual utopian dream.

A N U J  C H U G H

Illuminati, satan, evil, ultra-rich and the jist of all true religions...Save the future!

justice, fair-play, righteousness, win-win situation...
be on the side of good, no matter what...
many a times, the world will tempt you with all its attractions and material things...
it will make you want to gain these things, using your head and not your heart...
head is cold reason, heart is warmth...
evil, lust, greed, anger, power, possessions, ownership...
these are big, these are great temptations...
great wall of china, if you will...
90 out of 100 times, you will submit to these...
the gap is narrow, i.e. 10%...
your escape velocity should be greater than the great wall...
should be with all your might...
hold back anything and you fall-back...
you are smart enough...
study all the things, know all the things with great depth, with great details...
go after the truth and the real nature of things...
don't get sold out to lies, you will know them as such after due diligence...
use your heart, use it more often...
all the negativity of the world is not created by accident or chance, but by design...
you will also be challenged by many pressures and seemingly pointless and rewardless way of acting good...
once again, temptaions are big and the gate is narrow and the rewards uncertain and undetermined...
the pressure of the intellect is big...
the gravity of competitive pressures is great...
it's difficult to fight satan...
but not impossible...
be mightier than the mighty forces of evil...
prepare to hold the world with your arms and lift them upon your shoulders...
you will not be alone, masses will join you...
you will be the leader of men...
that the future of their children will not be dark and of slavery, but bright and prosperous...
shun petty gains, the world is nothing but shadow, illusion...
you feel that there is everything to gain, yet the reality is that there is nothing to gain...
don't sell out ever, please...
it's an earnest request...
use your intelligence for justice, fair-play, righteousness, win-win situation...
not for selfishness and stupidity and the security that does not exist, the illusion of security...
if you study well, you will be given work and see where you fit in, in this great war...
keep an open mind...
be a revolutionary...
don't sell out, i repeat...
don't ever sell out...
the gains are petty but they seem huge, vast and orgasmic, seemingly making you all - powerful...
but all that seems, is never is...
this is the ultimate work of satan and he is the master of this illusion...
he became deceptive, manipulative and powerful by entering the minds of the people without them knowing...
and there were earthly forces working on satan's behalf, that made all of this possible...
as such, satan is a symbolic representation of all that is bad, evil and negative about the people of this world...
nevertheless, it is real and his forces are no less mighty...
many, many people side with him...
majority of people will side with him due to their own inherent weaknesses...
only a few will undertake vast responsibility and huge self - sacrifice...
to destroy the works of satan and satan himself, in totality, upon the face of earth.

A N U J  C H U G H

State of Human Life As a Prerogative

Inequality of wealth creates all the problems in the world. Humans would
have created a 'Kingdom of Heaven' collectively, if they wanted to. Look-
ing at the technology, large-scale machines, automation, mass production,
high yielding varieties of seeds, poverty and hunger would have been a
thing of the past. But no, humans don't work that way. Competition is an
other form of hatred. Winning is an another form of hatred.

Getting rich, being ahead of the competition, supremacy, desire to possess
are intrinsic to human being. They are caused by ego, the obsessively com-
pulsive collective capacity of everyone to believe they are special and they
must have good salaries, do the best work and spend on what they like to
spend (it keeps the economy running). People have only known things and
are hard-wired to believe that this is the only way to live a good life. If one
person takes upon himself/herself to change the status quo, it would come
at a cost that won't be worth the pain.

Life has of late, only become persuing of new and loftier heights, never bef-
ore seen. I am not advocating pure selflessness, I want to make a point that
issues of human rights, hunger, starvation deaths, poverty and inequality will
never be solved only by strategic thinking and trusts alone. There is something
wrong with the human civilization itself, the problems run deeper than we think.
Why does an individual think he/she is 'special' ? The person works hard, cont-
ributes to the society and earns his/her rightful salary/income. So what?

It is an inablity to understand the pain of others. When one's problems are sol-
ved, one thinks they have earned the right to be happy. The thinking almost
always goes like that - the person in question, the immediate loved ones, fam-
ily, friends and the people that matter. After that, people dying in West Africa
is none of their concern. At the most, they (we) will donate some amount of
our money to ward of our personal guilt. We can always blame 'other people'
for having unprotected sex and producing babies they cannot feed.

If only the amount of money spent on useless space programmes, astronomy
and physics till date, were spent on poverty alleviation. Advocates of science,
opinion makers, media, politics, profiteers and lobbyists just don't get it. Rather
be bothered by supernovaes in our galaxy, we could could have focused on human
conditions on earth.

The only problem with my writing is that I can only write hard-core to have the
most impact and effect in the minds of the readers of this blog.

A N U J  C H U G H

The Greatness of Chanakya, India's one and only true leader

I read 'Chanakya's Chant' a fiction novel by Ashwin Sanghi. There was a
question posed by one of the character, which i tried to answer myself
- to my utmost satisfaction.

The Question - Explain whether chanakya's treatise on political economy, the arthashastra was his own work or whether it was simply an aggregation of previously-held views ?

My Answer - The arthashastra was merely a compendium of all previous arthashastras.
It contained all of the political philosophy prevalent at that time. However, all of it was
only transmitted orally by the brahmin teachers, whom the king hired to teach their
princes, the art of statecraft.

A few leafs or treatises were written before the arthashastra, but were largely scattered.
Despite being a vast compendium of all schools of thought related to subjects ranging
from accountancy, justice and law to discipline, wages, division of labour and forming
alliances; the author has also given his own views and at times, followed a balanced
opinion when two or more views conflicted. But this does not dims the genius of
Kautilya in any way. He was a practical philosopher, he conquered before he gave
his testimony. He was the one who first thought out the concept of a nation, called
'Aryavartha', before india even existed.

He organized the work of arthashastra to benefit the king, Chandragupta Maurya and
also his future successors. It has been said that Chhatrapati Shivaji read the arthashastra
before conquering the moghuls and forming the maratha empire. About Kautilya's personal
life, it is known that he sought revenge by setting Chandragupta Maurya on the throne of
the Magadha Empire. Hence, he was a king-maker in its true sense and did not desire
anything for himself even after having played an all-important role in capturing the vast
kingdom by mentoring Chandragupta Maurya, without which history would have been
wildly different. In truth reality itself, is the ultimate philosopher.

The ultimate waste of the world, are those dreams of humanity which will never come
true. Ultimately, all of it all just boils down to the game of sharpest perception of reality,
the one who has it and applies it rather than babbling about it to the world, wins it.
He/She can truly make the world bend to their will.

A N U J  C H U G H

What is Philosophy ?

Ever since I was a school-going boy, I loved my learning and my life in a question and answer format. So, here it goes:

What is Philosophy ?

My Answer - Philosophy is a way of life to better one's life. It aims at reducing suffering
and increasing happiness. It is the adoption of a way of thinking, which an individual
deems suitable for his/her aspirations. It is recommended that after choosing one's
philosophy, one should adhere to it with total devotion and dedication.

It is not said that one should keep a closed mind, after selecting one's line of thought.
No philosophy is an absolute philosophy and one should never be rigid in the face of
experiences that everyone of us have to face until we stop breathing. But, one should
be careful while selecting or keeping core beliefs, that are close to one's heart, beca-
use these are too, nothing but philosophy and every one of us is a philosopher, by

While it's no doubt that your life should be aimed at getting what you want, you
should not be too aggressive or too passive. It should be the basic criterion of
selecting a philosophy. While you are ready to fulfill your heart's desire, you are
also ready to play fair and not gain anything at someone else's cost. Everyone
else, though still being philosophers, are mere negative thinkers and evil-doers.
They destroy the true essence of philosophy.

Philosophy is utopian. Reality is vast and every intrepretation, every skill,
all knowledge and all experiences of every individual that ever existed,
are insufficient to contain it. There is simply more to everything and no
end to it. Philosophy also involves methods and techniques of the
oriental wisdom to achieve spiritual goals. Spiritual goal is the ultimate
goal and purpose of philosphy. Every man, every woman, may want to
be all that, that they can be. But, it has to end somewhere as it all
becomes ultimately futile, due to the inevitability of death. Death is
a great equalizer. Rich and poor, ugly and beautiful, all have to die.

Every great philosophy of the past and the present are based only
upon death, as it is the only thing that give's life its meaning.
Mankind, also need to ponder beyond death and upon its ultimate
evolution as there are some questions that life and death poses,
which even the greatest sceptics can't ignore. Such as, the
conditions a newborn baby takes birth in. Why is one baby born
in extreme poverty, bereft of everything and the other one, in royal

Science will never ask these type of questions as these are deemed
 irrational, stupid, insane and pointless by scientific communities.
They go to lengths to describe the process of how a new-born
baby begins to gain individuality and blah-blah-blah.

A N U J  C H U G H

How the rich, the elite, and the priveleged class fool us!

It's about time I muster up my strength and speak out, stand up for my fellow human beings.

Pay attention, it is important for you to know :

They (mentioned in the caption) rule over us/have ruled over us by complicating simple

This made it hard for us to understand whether they are actually bad, wrong and evil.

They compartmentalized basic injustice and simple things into :

1. inequality and poverty
2. hunger and starvation
3. undernourished and mal-nutrition
4. misinformation and disinformation
5. above povery-line and below poverty-line

so that they could debate with us. Note : In their opinion hunger is different from
starvation and inequality is different from poverty.

They will funnel our collective raw anger in the direction they want to funnel, i.e.
amongst ourselves.

That's why we die fighting for them in their wars and arms and ammunitions are
duly supplied so that we kill among ourselves.

All because we allow ourselves to get fooled by the hatred which does not
exist and is created by false stories in their media. We don't know what to
call it, misinformation or disinformation, anyone ?

It does not really matter, does it ? What really matters, is that you and I will
kill eachother if we do not spread the awareness that these wars, no matter
what the underlying cause is or the form they might take, are only meant to
destroy you and me and our families.

I understand the urgency of the situation and threats that world war 3 might
take place, soon with Israel attacking Iran or multiple countries attacking
Iran. I hereby give you complete authority to spread this post.

Please make soldiers aware, so that they refuse to fight these sham wars.

A N U J  C H U G H

Kill the pornography industry!

I have held this one up my chest for 7-8 years.
But now, no more...
I will blurt out everything in one go,
for my heart is filled with anger,
hatred, pure hatred !
I will now unravel the filthy, nasty secrets of the
pornography industry.

Porno industry works on the silent desperation of its viewers.

Porno industry downplays the role of a woman in a man's world
and it's sole motive is to reduce the females into sex toys and
have men toy around with them and treat them like dirt, nay,

Porno industry is a multi-billion industry, worldwide.

Sex sells, so businesses and corporates would go to any extent
to sell it, even promote it.

Sex portrayed in the porno industry is not normal, real-life sex.

Deep-throat and anal-sex are not normal, for if it were, then
nature itself would have taught men and woman to perform it,
just the way it teaches new-born babies to swallow or eat, when
milk teeth arrives.

Men are motivated to rape after viewing porn. In some cases,
teenagers would rape quite an older women.

The major fuel that sustains pornography is drugs.

Competition and unemployment makes life harsh for everyone.

Poverty steals the chances of succeeding in getting a real job
and subsequent drug addiction makes it worse.

Porn seems to be as a good, easy, manageable way out of their
troubles; for the cute, sweet looking ladies. It's attraction weighs
them down. But they don't know, nah, they never know what they
are getting into, these beautiful ladies.

Many of them are 3-4 times better than the 'so-called' beauty-
queens of hollywood or the 'Most beautiful women on earth'-
type titles.

I say it, cause I saw them myself. I have the guts to admit my
folly of having watched porn at some point in my life.
US is the largest producer of porn.

Many of the newcomer ladies are scared, but are motivated by their
pre-conditioned beliefs and 'no way out' type situations because of
they need to make money or to sustain their drug addiction and lo!
my little cuties, my little angels, for whom I would spend my entire
life admiring; become reduced to sex-slaves and profit-making
machines, for the big nasty porn producers.

(wiping my tears)

In us, drugs are not supplied because they are demanded, they are
supplied because they (drug-suppliers) know for sure, that they will
have their addicts if the drugs are supplied. It's called 'seller's
confidence', in my terminology.

In porno industry itself, only a handful of ladies make their mark.
And many a times by starting their own production ventures or
by becoming directors/producer cum directors after spending
many hard days at work only to realize that they have been
conned. 'They performed just to make their producers rich.'

Rest all the girls are bound to hardest hard-core and punishments
and BDSM's and role-plays for NOTHING.

Yet women are joining the adult-entertainment industry, in large-

Cause they are stupid. But more than that, they are ignorant.
Ignorant of their own fate.

It is happening recently due to debt crises and the resultant
unemployment, in the European countries.

And like always, these women deem it as a way to 'easy-money'.

In US and the west, people have no shame saying they are
pornstars. But who marries them ? They marry in their own
'porn-circle'. And what meaning does marriage have for them,
anyway ?

The brutal forms of porn and the needless, unnecessary violence
and abuse in it makes it unpalatable and disgusting.

Yet many people watch and fans demand these acts. And what do
you call these type of people, anyone? abnormal, yeah, that's

Friends show to their friends and their friends show it to 'their'
friends and promote it by saying 'that's cool!' or 'hot', whatever.
'That's turning me on. Yeah!' Bullshit - the fact is you have no
discretion and have succumbed to 'peer-group influence'.

The exposure to porn among kids is happening at quite an early
age - 11-13 years. Parents admit it that they know about it but
say, that they are helpless as the child may watch it at their
friend's house.

Even the pornographers are shocked to the amount of violent
porn, the fans demand at the 'Fans Have Spoken' type bulletin-
boards, portals and forums.

In the future, the situation will be worse with the introduction
of 3D-Porn. 10-20 years down the line, you may even have
access to 'Virtual-Sex'.

All good businesses, but who will question the morality of it
all and the social fabric it will shatter and has shattered,
already ?

A N U J  C H U G H

What knowledge is and what it has become in today's world.

Language is a very important tool as far as any study and reading of learning material is concerned. It's only the written word that's effective for the people who have developed speed reading. Long speeches, anyways have the tendency to put most of us to sleep. Though some people may prefer learning through lectures, light reading is still a better tool. The speed of oral dictations and speeches go as per the whims and style of the speaker which the learner has no control over.

But as far as practical learning is concerned, experience is its only tool. It's a more gradual process requiring courage, patience and grit. In earlier times, knowledge used to be developed only as a result of experience and consequent, trials and errors. In a modern human's life however, this is not the case. He has to learn such things and norms of his interests, his industry, that have already been established in the past by people of learning and influence. Industry thought-leaders may not even exist anymore but the principles and methods given by them are still basically and universally accepted and also, expanded upon. Hence, a modern person has become disconnected from the old and traditional process of learning. But still, practical experience has it's paramount importance; though it may be not sufficient, by itself.

The only way to success hence, in today's world is either to expand on the established principles or break them altogether by forming your own, new and better ones. The only necessity being, that your ideas are innovative, enlightening, never done before, out of the box and credible. Then, there are good chances that your mental faculties will achieve breakthroughs for the industry in question and fame for yourself. :-)

A N U J  C H U G H

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Of late, I've been getting powerful surges of strong emotion called love towards all of humanity. I now realize that making a lot of money, and becoming rich and powerful, are but foolish desires of all men and women. Money can buy much about everything, no doubt about that but, is buying everything the purpose of life ? I don't think so. Everyone knows deep inside that becoming and most importantly, staying happy is the purpose of life. But, every life is in a state of such mess that we all are looking out for answers, as happiness is no longer a simple process, but has become a rocket science.

Possession of wealth, power and fame has been done many a times before but each time, the possessor became possessed instead. History always repeats itself (at least, in this regard) its the same situations in myriads of ways and different people. A Human Being's folly is that He/She thinks they can be happy by mere possession of wealth, estate, fame and power. After a lifetime spent on endless struggle to gain and maintain these, the person in question, more often than not, became disillusioned and has regretted on his deathbed. You may go and study history, if you wish to verify my claim.

So many centuries have been spent on the study of religion, nature of life, nature of man and nature, itself. But still, there are so many divisions and sects, even after so many discussions, speeches, writings and books; but each, with their own set of beliefs, distinctly marked from the rest. No consent, no basic agreed upon conclusions and no common ground. While, the uncommon-sense of love and harmony, as 'the way' for humanity has been there right in front of our noses (intuitively, I mean!) staring back at us, all while long. Who cares whether God is existing in the universe or not, while people here on earth were going through World war I and World war II, caused due to tyranny of world leaders?

And now, there are many more threats facing us. Evil has a pure way or a strategy of existing in the Human Society. From some or the other womb, some or the other corner of the world; there's an Evil person waiting to be born, waiting to rise to the power and the rule of tyranny. Evil people have always existed in the past and will continue to exist in the future, no matter how much technological developments take place. Love and harmony minded people will always face opposition. Good ideas and noble thoughts, for the benefit of all and not just a select few, will always be attempted to be suppressed, as they act against the interest of the elite.

It's a common sense (at the least, that's what I hope) that when majority of people use life - sustaining and life - enhancing methods of thoughts, ways of thinking, culture and ideology; Evil people will not only face difficulty but impossibility, in ruling and controlling common people anymore.

A N U J  C H U G H