Tuesday, March 12, 2013

How to Live Your Life ?...This is how !

The best thing you can ever do with your life is to fight for what you really desire with all your might. There will be many pitfalls, lows and downfalls. In the process, recover quickly. Never stop looking out for what you really want. Never forget it. Never keep it out of sight, of your mind's eye. You will achieve it.

A good life is earned, the old-fashioned way. There's no other way. This traditional way has 3 elements: (a) Compete and win. (b) Outwit and outsmart to get your way. (c) Develop yourself (Both your tangibles and intangibles) & use your uniqueness to have an edge.

You have not borrowed your life from anybody, to be repaid with interest, in it's due time. Your life is your own. You should command and you should be responsible. Never wish. Wishing, day-dreaming and weeping do not make things happen. You were not made to do so, either.

Your mind and your body has an innate potential which can help you attain a good life, provided you make good use of them, i.e. your mind and your body. The best hint you can ever get is to always be on the move - to best utilize your potential. Never be settled. Never be complacent. Always attack. Always make good use of your 'dead' time.

Face life, dammit ! Take it on the chest. Play life on the front foot. Your body and mind's muscles are made for use and exertion and not for stupid and lazy relaxation.

A N U J  C H U G H

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