Thursday, September 19, 2024

Eliminating the need for Wars

Eliminating the need for Wars by understanding the Grave threat of a possible Environmental Collapse Facing us !

Every person holds their life dear. Holding dear, lives of every other person along with our own lives can be done through sustainability-concerns for our planet, its environment and the health of our blue and green ecosystems. 

It is a shared responsibility. Taking actions and incorporating behavioral changes to that affect are imperative and key to long-term survival. 

Armed-conflicts should become a thing of the past. Humanity must progress and evolve way beyond the 'felt' need for any wars and de-escalating situations through dialogues. 

Wars are unnecessary; always have been.

Our planet faces a threat, we must stand together as one human race and solve it.

Every human life should be held dear by every other human. That needs to be a shared value and responsibility. More so, as we are tied in the bond of our own future survival in the face of a degrading environment and planet due to a century and a half of industrial revolution and shareholder capitalism.

Once humanity, i.e. the entire world evolves to that level, the need for armed military conflicts will no longer be felt. There's a way to go !

Such idealism however does no harm, only brings hope and peace. Creates an amazing future for our future generations and sets a lofty ideal for humanity to aspire to ! 

Through, priorities, collaborative actions, shared values, responsibilities, technology and resources, and by adapting and implementing all the best ideas and techniques from every part of the globe so as to meet desired ends and outcomes, this can be done.

- Anuj Chugh

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