Thursday, September 19, 2024

World Must Focus On ...

Why the world must focus on eradicating hunger, poverty and stopping wars and military production ?


Every person faces good and bad in their life.



A child born under poverty faces too much too soon. So much that their bodies can't even take  after a certain point. 

As a result they die too soon.


People suffering with extreme poverty are obviously most likely to suffer from hunger, malnutrition, stunted growth and development.

Without adequate nutrition, they cannot perform even the basic functions, leave alone being a productive member of the society.


Also forget, for a while, that there are no opportunities for doing so i.e. being a productive member in the communities and societies and conditions they are forced under.

World and World leaders can do with some 

Compassion for the weak, poor and the vulnerable, especially for the children.



Feeling of hunger, poverty, misery, helplessness is basically the same everywhere

Doesn't matter the race, color, religion, enthicity or nationality !


Letting people eventually suffer and die, leaving them to their fate, makes the world a worse off place.


It also affects the people who are not affected by such things, are not living under such conditions even if they think it does not !


The world if it ever comes to an end, will come to an end due to a general state of apathy.


Capitalistic ideals teaches one to only care for themselves and their loved ones.

The by-product is apathy !


We don't even care about the environmental damage we have collectively caused,

The climate change we have caused,

And the natural disasters we bring upon ourselves.


What will we care about the world's poor, hungry, vulnerable and the downtrodden ?

Military production enables more wars.

More wars lead to refugee crisis and more poverty.


It is a vicious circle.


Wars also puts a big question mark on global food security as we have seen.


Not only the poor people will suffer but also the well-off with money in their wallets and bank accounts.

If there is not adequate food production for all, even the well-off will either end up paying more for the limited food stock that is in supply.

Or in the extreme cases, vulnerable regions and places on earth hit by famines, 

Even the money in wallets or in bank accounts will fail to buy anything to eat.


World is lagging behind already to solve the daunting problem of climate change.

And more wars futher accelerate that.

Situation is dismal and full of despair if course is not corrected soon !

Thank you !

- Anuj Chugh 

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