Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Wealth of All Humans

The wealth of all humans from 2024 - 2030 lies in sustainability, restoring environment, renewable energy, zero food wastages and zero hunger.

The meaning of wealth has now changed than what it used to be throughout the last century.

In the face of crises that we face today, what consists of humanity's true wealth would be defined by restoring biodiversity and our ecosystem. Both blue (marine) and green (forests) ecosystems. 

The next 6 years will be defined by how much of the land we reclaimed from landfills and garbage dumpyards, how much farm lands we reclaim through vertical farming and Miyawaki methods, how much land we reclaim which is currently occupied by animal agriculture.

We are standing on the brink of the most defining 6 years of the future of human civilization.

If we continue at our present rate of exploitation and environmental degradation, then by 2030 the collapse will be such that it will not matter whether one is rich or poor, money will not mean anything. Rich and Poor will suffer alike. We all go down the same drain. Hence, money has already changed its meaning. 

(Of course, this is not being allowed to happen. Worldwide measures and steps are being taken to curb the damage done and being done.)

The monetary numbers that are used to gauge wealth is only made possible when environment is in good shape and the threats of climate change are being nullified.

Looking at things differently,

This however, offers a chance for every human to become wealthy in real terms, to become a savior. This will happen through reforestation,  conservation and restoration.

This is our planet's true wealth !

(Which gives human monetary numbers any meaning)

World can have $ 200 trillion in GDP and be very poor if it is standing on the brink of an environmental collapse.

More than a third of all carbon emissions is coming from massive food wastages taking place globally. Food wastage is a dual problem. Ethically and morally it makes the whole world flawed because the ones who can eat well are doing nothing about it and letting the millions die of hunger every year.

The next 6 years are a call to action and its not about growing GDP but about growing planet's real wealth - its nature. 

The next 6 years, human obsession with money, riches, growth and GDP will have to relax, if not fade away totally ! 

The next 6 years are all about improving our food systems, raising awareness and taking steps to not waste food on individual, retail, farm level and gradually reducing all forms of animal agriculture (which ultimately has to be phased out).

The next 6 years are all about collecting back all the plastic waste which has reached water bodies, oceans, landfills and recycling them into concrete blocks simultaneously with all the current plastic trash that will be generated on the daily basis.

The next 6 years are all about preventing climate migration and climate terrorism.

The next 6 years are about saving 100s of billions of work hours that we stand to lose per year if no actions are taken. 

The next 6 years are all about reduction in $1.8 trillion per year spending that Govts around the world at present, give away in fossil fuel subsidies, that is ultimately damaging the environment and accelerating climate change.

What good will be money if our human survival itself is at stake ?

Thank you !

- Anuj Chugh 

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