Thursday, September 19, 2024

Speak Your Truth !

 It is always important to speak your truth, if you want to protect yourself mentally, emotionally and spiritually. 

Or if you want to save yourself from getting manipulated.

If your mental health starts deteriorating, sooner or later your physical health would suffer too. And that would be because - you let other people stiffle your inner voice way too many times ! 

The world and the people around you will try to stiffle your inner voice at every step. 

If you know what it means or its implications on your life - it means people are stepping over your reality all the time if you let it !

See - my style of motivation is to make you aware of the harsh realities. I can make feel good posts to make you feel good.

But by doing that, I don't feel I would have anything new to contribute to an already existing pool of motivational literature. 

Learn to speak your truth with everyone. 

Be polite but firm.

Hope this helps !

Cheers !! 😇

You are worthy. Your opinions matter.

- Anuj Chugh 

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