Thursday, September 19, 2024

The case for a Circular Economy !

The case for a Circular Economy !

An economic model of growth which thrives on generating waste poses a serious threat to future survival and sustainability of humans.

92% of world economy is linear which thrives on generating all kinds of waste : household, industrial, agricultural. Not only that it creates land degradation and requires deforestation. Modern world economy also harms oceans and marine ecosystems. 

All human activities currently thrives on Production, Consumption and Waste generation. A lot of industrial waste is also generated in the Production stage itself. One-third of planet's resources have been used up and the remaining Two-thirds have been degraded.

A rise in population used to be a demographic divided and boon to the world's economy as in so many workers and so many consumers which fuelled the growth. However, all this exploitation and growth in the last few decades has taken place outside the limits of our environment and planet.

28% of species are under the risk of extinction. Materialism, Consumerism and the logic of 'Having' and too many possessions by each well-to-do individual which is followed world-wide have led to enormous damage. 

Further growth can only happen :-

1. Finding out a way to utilize all the waste  decomposing worldwide in the landfills and turning it into a resource.

2. Phasing out Mining activities in favour of green growth and renewable energy. 

3. Reducing power and energy consumption wherever possible.

4. Going Zero Waste.

5. Regulating and curbing fast fashion industry.

6. Restoring green and blue ecosystems.

7. Solving food waste and global hunger problem by taking initiatives to make food available from the regions of plenty to the regions of famine, conflict zone countries and those affected by natural disasters. Thus feeding the world's vulnerable population on time than letting them go hungry.

Conclusion : If we have any chance of saving the world and ourselves in the process, there is less space for selfishness, egotism, pride of worldly possessions, competitiveness and all that has led to our current pitiable situation.

Enlightenment is Sustainability.

When the World is Enlightened, 

Resource exploitation will stop,

Circular Economy will rise !

Military Budgets will reduce !

The focus of human life shifts from :

1. Better life for oneself to Better life for all and especially the ones who are suffering.

2. Having to 'Being' !

3. Consumption as basis for Economic Growth to Restoring the planet to its pristine state as a basis for Economic Growth.

4. Extending the life-cycles of all our products, rather than expanding industries for more production to cater to more demand.

Our Earth's Ecosystems provides us $ 33 trillion worth of valuable services every year without which human survival and food systems are just not possible. In reality, we cannot even put a number to that estimate as it is priceless and beyond valuation. We exist because the earth ecosystems exist.

And a $ 103 trillion of human GDP based on rank materialism and consumerism is just farce, means nothing without the all-important role, the earth's ecosystems play in our survival.

- Anuj Chugh 

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